Travel is a wonderful way to get back in touch with what makes you you.
…If you can afford it. Yes, such a brilliant way of clearing your head and igniting your blood certainly seems difficult to access sometimes, doesn’t it? Today’s Millennial isn’t just plagued by shifting policy and overbearing expectations, but also the permanent frustration of the ever-elusive vacation. Some even believe the closest they can get to some time off is getting drunk at their downtown bar on a boring Saturday night! Cheap flights exist, however, and some airline deals are specifically geared to those desperate to experience the world and keep their wallet happy.
Discount travel, cheap flights…whatever you want to call it, there’s an airline deal with your name on it. Here are five reasons you should make the plunge and take that trip.
Did You Know?
You already know about travel today. It’s expensive! …At least, that’s what a lot of outdated misconceptions want you to believe. Back in 2016 over 218 million air traffic passengers either travel to or from the United States. Overall nearly four billion passengers were carried back and forth in commercial airlines, generating a staggering $500 billion in revenue. Clearly there are some options available to you or these numbers would be looking a lot smaller. Let’s explore what cheap flights to Cebu can do for your mental health.
Travel Is Perfect For Your Mental Health
What’s a good reason to travel? Take a bite out of your anxiety and depression while having a load of fun. Over 90% of American workers in a recent study stated vacation time is incredibly important to them, though 50% of both Millennials and Gen Xers state cost to be a barrier to leisure travel. People who take a few days (or a few weeks) off in their place of choice report being more relaxed and more energized once they return to work. Likewise, those that neglect to take time off report getting sick more frequently.
A Good Vacation Can Prevent Burnout
Burnout is the incidence of completely losing all your energy, both mental and physical. This condition can sneak up on you little by little and, before you know it, you’re unable to even get out of bed, much less work and study. The function of a vacation is to give you a huge breath of fresh air, something you can’t quite get by just taking off one night to binge on Netflix. It’s estimated over one million American workers will take a mental health day every day in the country. Imagine what a week off in Argentina could do.
Encourage More Intimacy With Your Partner
Is the stressful work week starting to take a toll not just on your mental health, but your relationship? This is not an uncommon occurrence. A recent study found four out of 10 travelers admitting they actually feel more romantic on vacation, which is not at all surprising when you consider all the beautiful locations around the world. If it’s been a while since you enjoyed a long walk on the beach or a fun night at a local art gallery, perhaps cheap flights to your destination of choice could rekindle the spark that’s been missing as of late.
Take Your Life By The Horns And Live Your Best Year
It’s easy to get caught in a cycle of stress. You work because you need money. You need money to pay off those bills, loans and little things you need that only seem to get higher by the minute. You want to take a break, but doing so could put you out of pocket and leave you worse off. Break this cycle by investing in cheap flights designed to give you all the benefits of traveling while going easy on your wallet.
Cheap flights to Cebu or round-trip cheap international travel could be your meal ticket to happiness. Why waste it?
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