Sometimes there is nothing better than finding the perfect investment property, and this includes stumbling across foreclosed hotels for sale, motel property for sale or any other hotel business for sale. In fact in 2018, more than 30 billion worth of U.S. dollars worth of hotels and other lodging establishments were built in the U.S. with full-service transactions totaling about 28 billion dollars and limited-service transactions totaling about 14 billion dollars. With that being said, stumbling across a gold mine of a hotel business for sale could lead you leaping before making all careful considerations. Let’s check out below some of the most important hotel considerations guests are looking for.
It goes without saying that guests expect any hotel to be clean for their stay. Whether you we are talking about a five star hotel or a two star hotel cleanliness is still a top concern for guests. While certain things are important to successful business practices in the hotel industry, hygiene should not be compromised. Clean sleeping quarters and clean bathrooms are important enough to make guests consider staying again or choosing another hotel establishment.
The location of the hotel is important to many guests. When looking for investment motels for sale you should consider whether the location is something that guests would be attracted to. A hotel business for sale that is in a prominent location right in the heart of a major tourist attraction area will bring in more guests than one that is a few miles from tourist attractions. Consider the location of hotels for sale before committing to buying, the location could make the difference between sinking or staying afloat.
This goes hand in hand with location. Many times hotel properties for sale have been slightly neglected, therefore you should ensure that all mechanics are in proper working order. This means checking the sprinkler system and the fire alarms within the hotel. Swimming pools should be cleaned and well maintained to invite guests to enjoy themselves. Ensure all emergency exits are in working order and that all exit signs are properly lit. A little extra work on your part will go a long way to make your guests feel welcome and safe.
Let’s face it, a good majority of your guests will probably end up being those who are traveling for work. This means that they will need to stay connected even while they are away from home and from the office. A good internet connection and WiFi capabilities are vital if you want to please your guests. Ensuring that they can still work and stay connected while away from home and work will ensure your guests feel comfortable and connected.
Bathroom Items
In all reality no one wants to have to go to the store to get full sized bathroom necessities. Travelers and guests appreciate having items in the bathroom that they can actually use. This means going above and beyond the tiny bottles of shampoo that are not big enough to wash a child’s hair with. Offering your guests use-able sized toiletries will ensure their satisfaction. They will be feel more comfortable and less pressured to run to the store to buy larger items.
If after considering everything your guests could possibly want, the hotel for sale seems to fit, then it could produce a return on your investment. Consider heavily the amount of work that will be needed to get the hotel business for sale up to the standards that you want to provide for your guests. If your guests aren’t satisfied, they won’t return, and your ultimate goal should be hotel accommodations your guests will love to ensure they return and to ensure that they tell their friends, family and colleagues.