The Essentials for The Perfect Family Camping Fun

Cabin camping in tennessee

As the weather changes many families are finding that it is the perfect time to look into cabin camping sites. What can be better than taking the opportunity to get to reconnect with your loved ones or to celebrate a special occasion than heading out of town to spend some time in the great outdoors. For the novice camper there are several cabin camping sites that let you enjoy nature while at the same time being able to hold on to those amenities like electricity and running water. For the more wilderness ready campers there are a variety of family camping vacations to undertake. If you are thinking of planning a cabin camping vacation, there are a few things that you should keep in mind.

Research Your Campsite

When looking for the perfect cabin camping site it is important to make sure that you do the appropriate amount of research. Depending on season and climate campgrounds can change from comfortable to miserable. While many camp sites have web sites with pictures of their plots it is still important to call to make sure that all the information is up to date. Another great source of information for finding that perfect cabin camping site is to ask your family and friends. Sometimes you can’t beat a first hand account of a location from a trusted love one. Considering how unpredictable nature can be it doesn’t hurt to hedge your beats and do as much research as possible. There is nothing worst than paying for a camping plot that you just cant stand.

Have a Supply List

One of the most important things to remember during your preparations for your camping adventure is to have a list of all the required things that you will need for the duration of your trip. Depending on how far out into the wilderness you plan on venturing the amount of food, fuel and batteries may be limited to what you have brought. Especially if you don?t plan on having a survival based foraging trip, checking your list twice is probably the best course of action.

Are You Going to Make Your Own Meals?

There is a general rule in survival that has to do with shelter water and food. If you are on cabin camping sites, your shelter id pretty much taken care of, but if you are unsure of the amenities and the surrounding area, food and water are an important consideration. When you are going through your prep list make sure to focus on meals more than snacks. By having an ingredient based focus for your meals you are able to maintain a higher degree of nutrition each meal. If you are planning on hiking or other outdoor activities, this is especially important. In addition to bringing potable water, it might be worth consideration to bring some type of water purification technology as well. There are tablets and pumps that can sanitize water.

With the busy world that we live in it sometimes easy to forget that the best and most reliable entertainment is not on the computer screen or inside of our cellphone, it is in the beauty of nature. Nature is an experience second to none. The most well planned family vacations will not only bring you closer to nature, but also to your loved ones as well. For more tips on how to plan the perfect camping trip there are several resources online that include lists and locations.

4 Things to Consider Before Buying a Ranch

Western ranches for sale

If you were looking into ranch real estate in order to start your own cattle ranch, there are a few things you should know, especially if you have never done it before. Having farmland or a ranch very satisfying and rewarding work but work is the key word; it takes a lot of it. Here are some things that you should know before you start looking into different ranch real estate listings.

If you are already at the point where you were looking at ranch real estate then you should know that with no animals you have no ranch. The pitfall that many land buyers get into is that they tend to overestimate the capacity of the land they are looking up. Sellers frequently exaggerate the amount of animals that the land has carried previously. In order to make sure that the carrying capacity of the land will fit your needs you need to look up your local Natural Resources Conservation Service office and find out information about the potential of the land you’re looking at. Most counties should have that information available at the USDA office. You’ll need to know what type of soil it has, how much precipitation and the conditions for vegetation. This knowledge can help you get a more informed idea instead of having to rely on the seller’s word.

One of the biggest misconceptions about running a ranch is that it will basically take care of itself. Although it make it easier, the ranch ranch is never going to get to a point where you don’t have to do anything at all. Cattle need a lot of care. Even a small ranch requires a lot of time to be devoted to it. Small ranches usually need up to about 20 hours of labor a week. If you were not committing your entire life to the ranch then you will need to hire someone that can. Obviously this will raise your overhead and lower the potential for profit. In order to avoid this you’ll need to plan carefully. Figure out the time that is needed for each animal in conjunction with ranch maintenance and make sure that you have the time necessary to commit to it.

It’s a common mistake to overestimate what your annual production is going to be. Prices will change based on supply and demand and because of that the gross income will also very a lot. Generally speaking, a calf will be anywhere from $250-$400 but even those prices can change. Your best bet is to be fairly conservative when trying to project your gross income. Try talking with other ranch owners that are more experience and can give you a better idea of gross averages.

The total cost of what you will pay depends on various factors. Of course you will have to pay for each breeding female and if you got a loan to buy the land. But even more so than that you will need to pay for regular maintenance, utilities and set aside money for taxes as well as paying any workers that you may have on the ranch. You should also consider emergency expenses such as backed up drains or flooding. You’ll need to develop a budget that you were able to stick to. Again, it’s a good idea to contact a professional that can help you figure out how to make a budget with variable income and expenses.

Ranch real estate may look enticing but don’t be deceived, there’s a lot of work involved and a lot of money and time that must be invested. Too many people start out on a ranch thinking that it’s going to be like living in a movie 24/7. Ranches in movies are just that- movies. They are real and they don’t show the real work that is done on them. If you have a lot of ranch hands then it might make the manual labor easier but it will diminish your potential for profits which defeats the purpose of owning a ranch. Once you get a little more experienced at the job, it will get easier or more habitual but at first it’s going to require 100% commitment from you and your family.

Why it Might Be Time for You and Your Family to Take a Little Vacation

Cabin camping in florida

Family vacations are so important. It doesn’t matter whether you are going to go family cabin camping or go on an exotic cruise, the point is to be together There are pros and cons to all kinds of different types of vacations. For example, family cabin camping requires minimal city life without the busy-ness of shops and cell phones whereas a cruise gives everyone an opportunity to have fun doing something they love while all staying close by each other. Here are some reasons why your family might need a vacation.

Life Gets Busy
the number one reason why families need to go on vacation sometimes is to literally take a time out. We can get so caught up in life and in all the things that we have going on. Kids have school and sports and sometimes work, depending on their age; parents have work, the home and financial obligations. It’s hard to make everyone’s schedules merge together for a little while every day. There could be days that go by where the family doesn’t see each other. Sitting down to dinner together is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Vacation is a great way to just cool off for a few days and catch up on what’s going on in each other’s lives. You may be surprised to find out what is going through your kids’ minds or even your spouse’s. You will be glad you took the time to get to know them again. A vacation helps to keep everyone connected.

We Need to Replenish
There are studies that show that we work best after a good break. That’s why work places have breaks and lunches. It’s not only illegal to make people work all day with no break but it’s actually counter productive. When people work too long and too often, it can cause their brains to become tired out. Sleeping helps that somewhat but after a certain amount of time, a person needs a few days where they can go away from work and not think about it for a little bit. This will help them to be able to come back replenished, refreshed and probably with a whole new creative mind ready to get to work with fresh ideas and new and improved methods.

Exploring is Good for the Mind
Family cabin camping, mountain biking, ocean snorkeling and all kinds of other activities are great for finding out about the world around you. Exploring is so much fun and is very educational not only to kids but for adults as well. If you only stay in your own city and look at your own four walls you will end up being very close minded. Being able to get away from your personal situations and see the world around you will help you to gain perspective. Your every day problems probably won’t seem so major and you may even find it easier to see the good things in your life. It’s refreshing for your mind to be able to get out of the mundane and switch things up a bit.

Makes us Healthier Physically
The stress of working and day to day life can take its toll on our hearts. There are studies that state taking a vacation at least every two years will decrease the risk of cardiac arrest and coronary heart disease. Something about allowing yourself to relax is very good for our bodies. You probably didn’t realize that vacation would play such a big part in your physical health.

Don’t underestimate the importance of taking a vacation. It’s good for your body, mind and family. Vacation doesn’t have to be very expensive and stress you out financially; in fact that defeats the purpose. Family cabin camping can be very inexpensive but still provide all the necessary aspects of a great vacation. Or, if you have money saved up you can visit Disneyland or go to a foreign country and really expand your horizons. However, whatever you decide, the post important factor is that you don’t take work with you and you focus on yourself and your family.

Alleviate Those First Date First Impression Anxieties

Carriage ride through central park

No matter what your dating style is, chances are there are moments when you just a magical moment. Unfortunately, too often individuals go into a first date scenario trying to determine just what might go wrong. Sometimes it is necessary to set up the call from a friend just in case you absolutely need an out, but people can be pretty harsh in their critiques of one another. There is certainly nothing wrong with knowing what you want and sticking to it, but making a final decision solely on a first impression can be a bit unfair. Having an open mind and trying to really understand a person can make all of the difference. Of course, it does not hurt to help that first impression just a bit, and provide an ideal scenario that helps your date draw a conclusion in your favor.

Get romantic with the use of Central Park carriages
The dating scene, particularly in a city like New York, can be daunting and difficult to navigate. But having a classic plan like suggesting a carriage ride through Central Park could help to put you both at ease. Central Park carriages can offer a peaceful and romantic atmosphere that can lend itself nicely to you and your date actually enjoying yourselves and getting to know each other outside of the overused scenario of sitting across from each other pretending to eat more gracefully than you usually do. Horse carriage rides somehow create a closeness and a comfort that makes it difficult to have a bad time.

Why Central Park carriages are a good choice
There is a reason why Central Park is so popular, with about 42 million visitors winding up there every year. In a busy, hectic, crowded and sometimes suffocating city, the 843 acres that are spread 2.5 miles long and half a mile wide offer a more natural, peaceful haven that people can escape to. The park is open all year round, and only closes for five hours a day, between the hours of 1 a.m. and 6 a.m. While New York is definitely considered the place to be for so many people and so many reasons, there is a need for most of those people to escape it. And going for a carriage ride through the park helps many people reset with a bit of a break.

Navigating the mysterious waters of the dating world

People are different, and it can take quite a bit of work to find someone that you want to share your entire life with, if that is a goal of yours, and it is for so many. People in general do not like to be lonely, and it is quite natural to want to find someone to go through the ups and downs of life with. Typically, on a first date, a man can figure out in the first 15 minutes whether or not he would like to go on a second date, whether he is consciously working out that decision or not. Women on average put in a little bit more time, giving it about an hour before they know for sure if they would like to end up on another date with that person. And in the long run, generally speaking, men also seem to know more quickly when they are falling for someone. One study showed that men could identify those feelings in as little as three dates, while many women reported taking about 14 dates to develop those same feelings.

Dating can be tricky enough. Don’t make it more difficult by stressing about your first impression. Be yourself, and find an activity or scenario that allows you both to do so by putting you both at ease. Central Park carriages could very well provide your solution. Going for a simple, romantic carriage ride through the park could do wonders for your first impression, and you may be surprised just how relaxing and enjoyable it is.
Find out more about this topic here.

The Top Three Things To Remember When Choosing A Vacation Rental

Winter park colorado lodging

Most of us only get to go on vacation a limited amount of times over the course of our lives. Vacations are expensive, difficult to plan, and time-consuming. Going on vacation involves saving — and subsequently spending — a lot of money, planning a rigorous schedule, and getting a good amount of time off of work (which in turn involves even more planning). It only gets harder when you’re vacationing with a family — that’s more money to spend, and more schedules to plan around. As such, it should come as no surprise that many families only take one vacation a year, if that. But still, they wouldn’t trade those vacations for the world. In fact, 37% of people surveyed say that vacations are what make families most happy. It’s important to make the most of your vacation — and get the most out of it, for that matter. The more you save on the practical parts of vacationing — where you’re staying, how you’ll get there, and so on — the more you can spend on the fun parts. This is one of the many reasons why lots of people are turning to vacation rental properties. Where hotels were once the place to vacation, now 22% of vacationers choose rental properties, with another 24% staying in condo resorts. Let’s look into some of the top things you should take into account when choosing between the different types of rental properties.

1. Value

There’s no getting around it — vacations cost money, and a lot of it. This is especially true for families. The whole point of a vacation is to experience a place different from your home, so many vacationers travel long distances. To get to your vacation spot, you will probably have to fly. Each plane ticket costs, minimally, a few hundred dollars when going to a typical destination. Even if you can drive rather than flying, gas expenses alone can be sky high. Then think of all the times you’ll be dining out on vacation, the excursions you’ll be paying for, gifts you’ll want to bring back home — it adds up. The best way to save money is through a cheaper place to stay. Rental properties may at first look expensive, but many are quite affordable. If you’re going on vacation for longer than a weekend, they will almost certainly offer better rates. Indeed, 62% of people surveyed choose rental properties over hotels because they offer better rates. Certainly, they offer much more for the money.

2. Amenities

There are many reasons why people choose rental properties — and they aren’t just financial. Vacation rentals offer amenities that can’t be paralleled by hotels. Many vacation rentals are seasonal rentals, which means that these amenities can be tailored to the type of vacation you want to have. For example, if you want to have a winter wonderland vacation in the mountains, you’ll probably appreciate a hot tub in the backyard. If you’re looking for a tropical vacation, a hammock might be nice. The practical amenities will be appreciated too — things like a kitchen, air conditioning, and that all-important privacy. It’s easy to feel like you’re crammed into a tight space when staying in a hotel; and it’s easy to feel as if your privacy is being invaded in those places as well. You don’t have to worry about his when it comes to rental properties.

3. Type Of Rental Property

Where you vacation should not be decided based on what type of rental property you want. You can find a great rental property almost anywhere; but the type of rental properties you have to choose from will vary depending on where you want to vacation. At a tropical place, you’ll likely see beach houses and bungalows. If you are looking to go skiing, you’ll probably have a lot of cabins to choose from. No matter where you vacation, remember: take advantage of the experience, and have the time of your life!

Camping Is a Family Vacation Pastime

Colorado camping

Many people who go on family vacations stay in hotels or in rented homes or condos — or they stay with family members. But there is a significant group of people — tens of millions — who spend their time at family campgrounds, either sleeping in an RV or roughing it in a tent.

For the past several years, the number of people going camping has stayed pretty steady at around 40 million, and most of those people, about 70 percent of them, stay at public campgrounds. That might be family campgrounds at state parks or at campgrounds that are run as businesses.

While many people don’t mind roughing it when camping, staying in a tent, going to the bathroom outside and forgoing showers, many prefer to have camping amenities like bathrooms with running water and access to electricity. Some people also will pay extra to get other amenities, such as campgrounds with a pool. On the other hand, about half of people who go camping do it simply because they enjoy it and don’t need any special amenities. Though that doesn’t meant that they just sit in their tent or camper all day. Nearly nine out of 10 campers say they participate in multiple outdoor activities such as fishing or hiking on trails. And many people who visit a family campground bring their own activities along, such as games like lawn darts or cornhole.

The best time to take a family camping trip depends on where you are going and what your goals are. If you are camping in a tent, you don’t want to go at a time of the year when it is going to be very hot or very cold, because that can be very uncomfortable. Likewise, if your goal is to do outdoors activities such as fishing or hiking, you want good weather to be able to do those things. If you have a camper or RV or if the campground you are visiting has cabins, then the weather conditions may not matter as much.

Family camping vacations can be a good way to spend lots of time together while also getting a chance to spend time in nature. For many families, that is something they enjoy, but if you find the right family campgrounds with plenty of amenities, it can be a fun trip even for a family member who doesn’t particularly enjoy camping.

How Camping Vacations Bring Families Closer Together

Campgrounds virginia

Parents and children are busier than ever today. From long hours at demanding jobs to school with its endless homework and all those after-school activities, it can be nearly impossible to bring everyone together. This doesn’t have to be the case, however. For 13% of adult campers, the reason they take camping vacations is out of a desire to spend more time with their families. Over one in ten campers will go camping with their immediate family. If you’re looking for a way to bring your family together this year, consider the many benefits of camping vacations.

  1. Connect by disconnecting

    Yes, this is an article about connecting, but in today’s society, the only way to truly connect with those around you is to disconnect from electronics and the media. Help your family stop texting, tweeting, and scrolling through your Facebook news feed by taking them on family camping vacations. Without the distraction of our smart devices and TV, you’ll find it far easier to connect. Who knows, you may even get more than one syllable out of your teenager.
  2. Bonding over shared activities…

    Camping vacations are a great opportunity to encourage family bonding time. Not only is it hard to get closer to someone than when sharing a tent, but camping offers a whole host of activities the family can do together. From hikes to learning how to kayak or fish, there’s bound to be a campground with activities your family can enjoy together.
  3. … and shared memories

    Bonding doesn’t end with shared activities. The memories you make while on camping vacations will bond you and your family for years to come. Remember when Joey caught that monster fish? Or how about when Dad accidentally lit his hair on fire trying to start the bonfire? One of the greatest things you’ll take away from camping vacations are the memories you share.
  4. Appreciation for the great outdoors

    The other benefit you’ll likely take away from family camping trips are a renewed appreciation for the great outdoors. This can be life-altering for your kids. Studies have found that 57% of campers who were introduced to the activity as children also engaged in other outdoor activities on a regular basis throughout childhood. On the other hand, only 25% of non-campers were found to similarly partake in outdoor activities.
  5. Relaxation

    We could always use a bit more relaxation in our lives. A family vacation shouldn’t have you returning to work more haggard than you left. Everyone will be able to recharge their batteries in wilderness while on a camping trip. Even if you spend the day in separate activities, sometimes time alone can be the best way of bringing a family closer together. Since there’s usually no TV on camping vacations, a day spent apart will open the door to great conversation over dinner.
  6. Shared meals

    Speaking of dinner, camping vacations are a great opportunity for mealtime bonding. With the hectic work and school schedules so many of us have today, it can be a rare thing for the whole family to sit down together at the same time. Even if family dinners are a rule in your house, family breakfast likely isn’t. Nor is cooking often a family event, but it can be. With many campsites offering places to prepare meals and keep food cold, you can plan a menu that will get everyone’s hands busy. If you really want to get the whole gang involved, why not let each person choose the menu for one night you’re away?
  7. Escape

    You’d think with all the conveniences of modern civilization we’d never need to leave. But this couldn’t be farther from the truth. We all need an escape from the stress, congestion, and constant whir of activity that surrounds us every day.
  8. It’s fun

    For 47% of adult campers, the simple act of camping itself was the reward in and of itself. They’ll tell you that you don’t need an ulterior motive to take camping vacations; simply do it because it’s fun.

There are so many wonderful reasons to take camping vacations. If you’re looking for a way to bring your family closer together, look no farther than your local camping sites. Who knows, you may have just found a new annual tradition.

Flexible Travel Options for Larger Groups — Charter Rental Services

Mishawaka charter bus

Traveling from one spot to another can be achieved in a number of ways, depending on your requirements. From personal vehicles to public transport, there are a lot of available options, and the variables include time and cost. What this means is that whenever you have a travel requirement, a certain amount of thought needs to go into your planning so as to ensure that your experience remains smooth, you reach your destinations on time and get the most value for the money you spend. If you are looking for arranging a small family trip or want to take children from your school out for a special visit to a nearby location, one mode of transport that you can consider is charter rental.

If you are looking for a mode of transport that can accommodate a larger number of people that would ideally fit in a personal car, while providing significantly more privacy and flexibility than public transport options, going for charter bus services can be a great move. Charter rental companies provide you with motor coaches that can be used according to your requirements, hold a large group of people and come with an experienced driver. By having this transport for yourself, you can customize your trip with as many stops as you want, go wherever you wish to go, and stay for as long as you want as long as you are within the terms of your contract with the company. While it does cost more than public transport, the extra advantages can quickly make you feel that you have made the right call.

Charter Rental — Why It Can Be Right For You

There are many reasons why looking for charter buses on rent can be a great option that can boost your travel plans and make otherwise difficult commutes easier. By hiring a charter bus, you are essentially taking charge of every part of your travel plan and ensuring that the experience remains completely customized according to your requirement. Here are some important points to think about —

  • Charter rentals are good for group travel no matter the size of the group. If you have a small group, renting one charter bus can give you all the space that you would need. For larger groups, you have the freedom to rent multiple vehicles so that you have the seating capacity you need, while maintaining the flexibility and other advantages that this mode of transport brings.
  • With renting a charter bus, you can exercise complete control on every aspect of your travel. Unlike public transport, you can start or stop the vehicle wherever you please, use your own routes to come and go, stop and stay in places for any duration and take and vehicle wherever you want. This gives you absolute control over every aspect of your trip, and you can tailor and customize it to suit the requirements of your group.
  • Using a charter bus eliminates a number of variables that arise when using other travel options while remaining cost-effective. You do not have to wait for the transport to show up or worry about the availability of seats at any point of time. Usual activities related to private vehicles like driving and refueling are also taken care of, and you can just enjoy the travel experience in a comfortable setting without hassles.
  • Using a charter rental for your travel requirements is also a practice that shows that you care for your environment. This mode of travel has a significantly smaller carbon footprint than individual vehicles on the road, and while traveling in a group it is a green practice to use the services of charter buses.

For these simple but convincing reasons, it can make sense for you to opt for a charter rental if you are arranging any kind of trip which involves a group. It is a simple, versatile and cost-effective way to accomplish your travel plans with ease.

Make the Most of Your Paris Vacation with Luxury Paris Rentals

Concierge paris

Have you ever been to France? Are you considering a vacation there? If you are planning a trip to France, you are not alone. It has been reported that it is the most visited nation on the planet. It receives more than 80 million tourists every year. Paris, the City of Light, is one of the most popular cities to visit in the world. In 2015, more than 70 million people went there. They spent almost $30 million during their visits to the country. If you are looking for a true Paris experience, look at booking one of the luxury Paris rentals that is available. This way you can enjoy the city as only real Parisians can.

Many people go for vacation rentals because they are cheaper than staying in a hotel. When you look at luxury Paris rentals, you are really getting the best of both worlds. With luxury Paris rentals, you get the luxury of a hotel but can have more people in your party be comfortable. The amenities in luxury Paris apartment rentals are better than what you are going to get in a hotel room or suite for a better price point. You may not want to spend a lot of time in your luxury accommodations in Paris, there are more than nine thousand cafes, bars and restaurants in the city, but when you get back after a day of touring, it can be more relaxing to be in a rental than a hotel room or suite.

Luxury Paris rentals offer a chance to live like a Parisian. Food finds itself at the center of many people’s lives in Paris and France. One thing you can do to really feel like you belong in Paris is go to the market, buy your food and cook it for your friends and family. This may actually save you some money. One other really fun thing to do when you are on a vacation in Paris is have your breakfasts at home. Send a member of your party out in te morning to a local bakery and get baguettes for everyone. You may notice that people in Paris put their bread in paper. That is because bread is meant to be eaten the same day it is baked. Few things beat a baguette with butter and jam with coffee for breakfast.

Another reason people like vacation rentals is that you can have more privacy. When you stay in a hotel, our neighbors are always just beyond the wall. You also have to go through a crowded lobby to get to and from your room or suite. Luxury Paris rentals allow you to avoid all of that. You can come and go without worrying about other people and what they might be doing or thinking. People often think Parisians are rude (like New Yorkers) but they are really just busy. When you stay in one of the luxury Paris rentals, you can be secure in the knowledge that no one around you is interested in what you and your party are up to.

Most luxury Paris rentals offer concierge services. You want to visit Paris but you want concierge Paris, not “do it yourself Paris.” You can get that with luxury Paris rentals. That is part of what makes the rentals “luxury.” If you want all of the services offered by the concierge at a five star hotel but want the convenience and comfort of a rental unit, you are going to get that when you look at luxury Paris rentals. The combination of the concierge service offered by the rental company and all of the other benefits of the Paris rental make this a great option for groups who are looking for an amazing Paris experience.

It is hard to have a bad Paris experience. It is an amazing city with a ton of things to do and see. If you are traveling with children, there is always Euro Disney, which is located right outside of the city. If you are looking for a romantic trip, nothing beats the City of Light.

Are Your Kids Old Enough to Go Camping? You May Want to Start With a Geocaching Adventure

Cabins in oklahoma

About one in every seven Americans goes camping every year, and the camping industry as a whole continues to experience record growth. In fact, Americans spend more than $1.5 billion every year on hiking and camping equipment alone. Parents across the country are excited to take their children on day hikes and on overnight trips, but they do worry about keeping young campers hydrated during the day and cozy during overnight trips. Finding the right sleeping bag is an essential part of planning for longer hiking and camping trips, and parents who plan ahead can ensure that participants of every age will have a positive camping experience.

Sleeping bags come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, and are typically “rated” to a specific temperature. A sleeping bag for kids that is rated to 30 degrees will keep campers toasty in cooler weather; it is important for parents or trip leaders to examine the weather patterns for their destination location. There can be extreme weather at higher elevations, and campers are encouraged to pack thermal leggings and waterproof outer layers in spring and summer. National parks and other camping locations should note on their websites whether their cabins and yurts have electricity, and campers are advised to monitor weather conditions in advance of an extended hiking or camping trip.

Some parents are taking a novel approach to introducing young hikers to the wilderness: across America, a new sport known as “geocaching” is gaining a devoted following. The national geocaching website features hundreds of short hikes along beaches and through national parks that end in the discovery of “treasure.” Geocaching enthusiasts hide small metal boxes in both public and more secluded locations, and children who find them can look inside to find small stickers or plastic figures. Treasure troves often include small rubber stamps, and children who bring a small notebook with them on any geocaching adventure can keep track of their successful finds.

Starting younger children out on smaller, local hikes can give them the confidence to take longer hikes. Children may prefer sleeping in tents to sleeping outdoors, but parents who are experienced hikers can work with young hikers to familiarize them with cooking out of doors. One of the most awe-inspiring aspects of camping outdoors is looking at the stars at night; parents consistently report that camping is an experience that delivers more “teachable moments” than other outdoor activities. More than 40 million Americans go camping every year, and children who camp have increased levels of confidence and social maturity.

With cabin rentals filling up more quickly than ever
, some hikers are taking a different approach to introducing their children to the great outdoors. There are an increasing number of cabins for rent near splashpark and other day trip destinations. Children can spend the entire day having fun with their family and friends, and then it will be just a short trip to an overnight stay at local campgrounds. Sometimes, introducing children to new experiences can be made more enjoyable by having a relaxing day of play first; children may be tired after a full day of enjoying their local splashpark, and parents will want to remain alert to signs of dehydration or chill.

Once kids get used to hiking and camping outdoors, they can help carry small amounts of camping gear in their own backpacks. Children as young as five years old can help set up tents, unroll sleeping bags, or organize utensils for a meal. They can also carry their own sleeping bags, and finding ways to encourage participation and leadership are important on longer hikes and family camping trips. Taking the time to investigate the camping or hiking destination can be a lifesaver for parents who want to monitor their children’s comfort levels, and of course, booking cabins well in advance of any planned trip is highly recommended. Time to go explore!