Did you know that there are 16,000 publicly and privately owned campgrounds across the country? These many different options are among the many reasons why camping has skyrocketed in popularity over the years? In fact, many people who’ve never camped before are trying it for the first time, with 10% of campers having gone on their first-ever trips in 2012. Of course, not all campsites are made equal. Whether you’re an experienced camper or a newbie, you should be careful about choosing the campsite that is right for your skill set and the kind of camping trip you want to take. For example, an inexperienced camper might not want to take a camping trip during the winter time, when weather can be extreme and even dangerous. You also might want to think about the resources you want at hand during your camping trip. Do you want to really rough it, or do you want to have things like working toilets and showers on hand? Of course, some campers want to go camping with a number of amenities at hand — in which case, it may be a better choice to check out RV parks. Even if you don’t own an RV, there are many rental options available for those who want to go camping without giving up certain creature comforts. Below, we’ll look at some of the top things you should consider when choosing a campsite.
1. Who’s Going?
The type of people who are going camping on your trip is perhaps the most important question you should ask yourself when choosing a campsite. Even if you’re an experienced camper, that doesn’t mean that everyone will be — or for that matter, that they’re all up for the types of things you might be up for. Some people won’t speak up with their own concerns about camping, so you should consider them yourself. For example, if you’re camping with your grandparents, you’ll want to make sure that they have certain amenities. Even if they’re experienced campers, they might not be up for braving the elements in a tent these days. Just as important as given the older campers consideration is thinking about the younger ones. If you or one of your camping companions is bringing along children, you’ll want to make sure that not only is your campground extremely safe — but that it’s suitable for kids, who will want to explore everywhere and have something to do at all times. As for babies — some would say that you might not want to take a baby camping at all. But if you do, it might be a good idea to go with a cabin rental rather than a tent.
2. Where Are You Going?
Are you going camping in the mountains, or on the coast? Or are you going out to the desert? No matter what, it’s important that you choose a designated campsite. With campers on average spending about 14.9 days camping in a tent, RV, cabin, or yurt, you need to be aware of what places are meant to be campsites, what are open spaces — and where you might be trespassing, if unintentionally. Campsites offer many different options, whether you want to be traditional or camp in an RV. They also often have resources available in case something happens — if there’s an accident, if you run out of food, or if you simply want to be as safe as possible, a designated campground is a better choice than camping in “the middle of nowhere” or on a friend’s land.
3. Do You Want To Be Traditional?
The fact is that traditional camping has its appeal — but don’t turn down the opportunity to camp in an RV or a cabin if it’s the right choice for you. It’s not a lesser form of camping; it’s simply a different form of camping, with different advantages. You may enjoy the benefits of camping in a cabin or RV. They may very well allow you to have a more relaxing experience.