One of the most popular outdoor recreational activities within the United States is camping. If you go on regular camping trips, chances are that you already know camping helps family stay together. Furthermore, when you have a recreational vehicle (RV), it’s also likely that you visit a variety of campgrounds on a regular basis due to all of their amenities.
Are you planning to purchase an RV so you’re able to go camping more often? Since you know that camping helps family stay together, chances are that you’re in the process of doing so. According to a recent survey, when a family of four travels via RV, they can save between 23% to 59% on their overall vacation expenses. Over 11% of households in the United States with adults between the ages of 35 to 54 own an RV. This is even more than households comprised of adults 55 and older.. When it comes to RVs, you’re probably aware that there are two types. In addition to motorhomes, there are towables, which as their name implies, can be towed by a car, van, or truck.
Since you know camping helps familes of all ages to stay together, chances are that you’re planning your next RV camping trip. Whether you go camping all the time or are planning an annual camping vacation, have you visited the Rocky Mountain National Park yet? This park spans 265,769 acres or 358 square miles. Given its size, this makes it one of the largest national park in the country.
The Rocky Mountain National Park has 450 miles of streams as well as 156 lakes. In addition to four different species of trout, there are other species of fish that make their home in the park’s lakes and streams. If you prefer fishing for trout, however, you’ll want to do some homework, as just 48 of these lakes contain different species of trout.
Do you and your family enjoy hiking? You’ll be happy to know that there are about 355 miles of trails that are kept maintained for hikers within the park. Roughly 11 miles of the Trail Ridge Road are actually above the timberline, so this can make for a wonderful view.
Stargazing is another popular activity within the Rocky Mountain National Park. The Trail Ridge Road’s elevation is 12,183 feet, and it is considered to be one of the more spectacular places in the world to go stargazing. Since the park is open 24 hours a day every day of the week, you can drive up to this point to go stargazing at night or enjoy the view throughout during the day.
Bird watching is also a popular activity at the Rocky Mountain National Park. When the park first opened in 1915, roughly 292 species of birds had been identified as either visiting or inhabiting the area. This is also great news for artists and photographers as well as children learning more about all nature has to offer.
It’s also important to note that the park contains 600 buildings. This includes 150 historic structures along with five different visitor centers. The Holzwarth Historic Site and the Sheep Lakes Information Center are just two of the visitor centers where you can learn more about the park.
Given all of these wonderful attractions, it’s not surprising that the Rocky Mountain National Park receives an average of three million visitors every year. After staying in your RV in the Rocky Mountain National Park, you and your family may also enjoy experiencing cabin rentals located nearby. Whichever you and your family choose, just remember that camping helps family stay together!