3 Reasons Why A Charter Bus Could Be For You!

Charter bus with wifi

Public transportation is one of the fastest growing methods of travel, especially as the economy continues to be uncertain, and Americans abandon driving in favor of cheaper ways to travel. Buses, in particular, are seeing a massive growth in the number of individuals that utilize them. U.S. passenger bus travel saw an increase of 7.5% from 2011 to 2012, according to a study by the American Bus Association.

That makes it the fastest growing form of travel in the country.

But there are many types of buses that can be taken, not just public transportation. Charter bus lines are growing more and more popular, too. They’re safe and reliable. Good ways to travel in large groups, especially if you’re moving considerable distances.

There are many benefits to chartering a bus, but here are the top three!

  1. More Cost Effective

    The best part of chartering a bus is that you can cast aside the worry of everyone having to get their own tickets or figure out their own transportation. They’ll just ride the same bus as you, and it’ll save money if everyone pitches in. The overall expense of pitching in to help get a charter bus is less than that of driving and paying for gas in the long run!
  2. Time to Relax

    By allowing the charter service to take over the driving and navigating parts of the trip, it allows you to kick back and relax. Many charter bus services have equipped their buses with bathrooms, USB chargers, and air conditioning. This makes it more comfortable for their passengers and allows them to enjoy their trips.
  3. Safety and Reliabilty

    When renting or booking a charter bus, you also get the assistance of a designated driver. One who is considered a professional, and reliable by the service they work for. These Professional drivers have the training and experience to ensure everyone arrives safely. This can give ease of mind to anyone that may have been worried about transportation, or any accidents.

So whether you’re taking a tour of the country and don’t want to drive yourself, visiting iconic sites, going to a child’s sports game, or having a corporate trip with your department, consider contacting charter bus lines. You’ll save money, be able to relax, and know you’re in capable hands.

What To Expect On Your Louisiana Kayak Tour!

If you love being out on the water and love the thrills that come from kayaking, then you have probably wondered at some point- where can I get the best deals on kayaks near me?

Chances are if you live in an area where kayaking is already popular, you have plenty of options available to choose from.

Kayak and paddleboard rentals are pretty common in areas where the sport is often enjoyed. Many options tend to be available as well in regard to the type of kayak you can find and other services such as rental duration, tours, training, and more! Many places that offer rentals also feature some sort of beginner’s guide to kayaking and training sessions to help newbies get accustomed to being on the water.

Figuring out the average cost of a kayak really comes down to comparing prices within your local area and comparing them to each other and against the various services that are included. Make sure you are working with the experts and you will be sure to find everything you need – from the best compact kayak to the best training and touring packages.

There are a lot of cool things to see while kayaking down a river. Wildlife, interesting natural structures, the way the environment looks from the angle you’re in. So different than walking through it or driving.

What about kayaking through a swamp?

Down in Louisiana, more specifically New Orleans, there are swamp kayak tours that show you a different side of the historic city. Louisiana itself makes up around 41% of the United States wetlands, which means that there is a lot to explore from inside a kayak!

Some of these tours include historical facts about the area and city, famous battles, or figures, that might have taken place or occurred in that area. Pirates and their treasures, raids in the night, the history of one of American’s oldest cities, all while paddling alongside alligators and other swamp-dwelling critters.

In your kayak swamp tours, you’re going to want to pay special attention to what your tour guides say, for your safety. It’ll be far, far different than a river or coastal kayaking, with different things to watch out for and different dangers to you and the people you’re with. It’s unlikely to be dangerous, as most tours are beginner level, but paying attention never hurts!

Some of the things you might see include alligators, deer, turtles and sweet-smelling azaleas. Aside from the wildlife, you can also explore the bayous and waterways that many of New Orleans? founding fathers ventured into, check out the ruins of Ruddock which is a now-deserted logging community.

There are also tons of other options to explore the swamp and wetlands, not just restricted to kayaking. Hiking is a cheap, cost effective, way to see the wildlife. Airboat tours can be an option as well, allowing for a fast and fun experience for the kids, and an entertaining boat ride for the family. Many of the tours are manned by professionals that have been in the area their whole lives and have explored every nook and cranny of the land, so they can show you a large amount of it.

Do your research, there are tons of tours listed online for you to look at. All of which detail what exactly occurs on them, and helps you form a picture of your potential experience.

5 Fun Activites To Engage in While Camping with Friends

Wedding venues in ocala fl

Whether you are new to camping or you are a regular, there’s always something new, something fresh, something engaging to do while you are out there. Although there are routine activities some campers love to engage in, others will find new ways to spice up and make this recreational activity more fun and memorable. From swimming, hiking, cooking, aqua zorbing, card games and geocaching, the overwhelming excitement of camping is that you can typically engage in any outdoor activities of your choice.

However, an ideal camping occurs when close friends or family participate. At least, this a perfect time for people to blend and strengthen their relationships. Almost 12% which is roughly 25 million American adults went camping in 2015. This shows that camping has no age limit, however old you are, you can still have pleasure with those you love. In camping, depending on where the location is,
activities can widely vary. Season changes and different weather patterns is also a factor that can affect such trip.

Thinking of going camping this holiday? Here are some few fun ideas you can try out with your partner, family or friends on the campsite.

You and Nature
What a joy it is to be woken up by the nature sounds of birds surrounded by beautiful trees. Well, that is a priceless atmosphere that instantly cools down the hassle of busy life. While camping, you can decide to have random nature walks to explore the great outdoors around you. Here, there’s a lot that you can do, for example, walking down streams, bird watching, fetching firewoods, nature gathering, picking berries just to name a few. However, with all the excitement of running wild, mind the wildlife, and refrain from anything that will disturb the nature. If you and your friends are daring enough, nature will serve you limitless encounters, stretch your limits by climbing trees or even go for a scavenger hunt.

You, Campfire and Food
If it’s an experience of a lifetime, you are aiming for, hanging around the campfire offers you that and more. This is a simple activity that requires less preparation. Often, campfires will happen after a busy day of nature walks. That’s when you have the time to fetch woods and perhaps hunt your dinner meal. Campfire will not only serve you for cooking, but it also provide firelight, and as the night wears in, you’ll need to keep warm. You can choose to engage in activities like Truth and Dare, Dancing, Harmonise, Tell Stories, and more. However, exercise caution when lighting fire. Also, not every campsite encourages camp fires, so get to know the do’s and don’ts.

You Inside a Tent
Since not every activity will be outdoors, make sure when you are inside the tent you enjoy more than when you are outside. To do this, find fun activities that are engaging for everyone. Activities that you can enjoy while confined in your tent include card games, board games, crafting, read out loud stories or listening to music. Usually, people will retire to their tents when it’s time to sleep, so it’s wise that people agree on the duration they’ll be on, to avoid inconveniencing others who may want to sleep.

You and Sports
Pump up your adrenaline and get active with limitless physical activities such as biking, horseback riding, baseball, football, volleyball among others. You can use this opportunity to form groups that compete, and you can also set prices for winners, or delegate task for losers. It’s just fun when you see a friend lose fairly.

Whatever you and your friends decide to engage in while camping, it’s important that you experience both indoor and outdoor activities. You can have the pleasure of viewing remarkable attractions but don’ miss out on each other company and fun moments.Statistics show that 37% of families enjoy vacations and it’s something that makes them happy. Sometimes in life, it’s the little things that matter. So go out there and experience life like never before.

5 Tips and Tricks to Planning a Great Family Camping Vacation

Camping in la

It is no secret that Americans love to camp. In fact, in 2013, about 40.1 million people in the United States took at least one camping trip. That is about 14% of the population as a whole. This is according to the 2014 American Camper Report. Almost all people who went camping reported that they planned to do it again. About 99% of all campers said that they were either “likely” or “very likely” to take advantage of one of the family camping vacation spots around the nation. These are popular for families. In 2011, families spent almost 535 million days on family camping trips.

  1. Plan your meals. Hungry campers are not happy campers. One of the best ways to derail your family camping trips is to fail to bring enough food or to bring the wrong kinds of foods with you. There are things you can do at home to make your meal preparation easier while you are at the family campgrounds. First, plan out all of the meals and snacks you will have on your trip. Second, you can cut up your veggies and partially precook potatoes at home. Bring healthy snacks like trail mix to keep stomachs from grumbling while you are out enjoying the wilderness. Do not forget to bring the ingredients for s’mores. No camping trip is complete without some of those.
  2. Bring more water than you think you will need. By the time people feel thirst, they are already well on the way to becoming dehydrated. Moreover, many people feel hungry when they are really thirsty. When you are out and about and being more active than you are at home, your body will need more water. Unless you have checked out all of the family camping vacation spots and know you will have all of the water you will need to drink, cook and bathe, you should make it a point to bring more water than you think you will need.
  3. Look into the different family camping vacation spots. Talk to your family about what activities they are going to want to take part in while you are out on your family camping trip. There are a lot of options when it comes to family camping vacation spots. You can check out camp resorts that have more in the way of set activities or you can go for a more rustic vacation. Most campers enjoy hiking and most campgrounds offer this but if you are looking for certain specific activities, you will want to make sure the camp site you select has it.
  4. Bring sunscreen. Even if you have the sunscreen with the highest sun protection factor (SPF), you still need to reapply it throughout the day. This is even more important if you are going in the water. Even if you are not planning to get wet, you need to reapply. When you are out and about and moving a lot, you will sweat. It is easy to sweat off your protection. This is another way to derail a great vacation. You should also pack some aloe vera (preferably with lidocaine) to help ease any pain from sunburns your group gets. Bug spray is also a good item to have when you go camping.
  5. Plan for rain. No matter how well you plan your vacation, rain is always something that can happen. You can let it ruin your family camping trip or you can be prepared. You should bring some activities so that your family does not retreat to their mobile devices and social media when the rain starts to fall. Bring some games. Talk to the staff at the family camping vacation spots to see what they recommend. They may have some family friendly things you can do inside or there may be some sights you can take everyone to see. You can have a good time when it rains if you are prepared.

Spending time at family camping vacation spots can help you create the memories that will last a lifetime. These trips also let people get back in touch with each other while doing fun, healthy things. Plan ahead and it will be great for everyone.


3 Tips to Make the Most of Your Beach Wedding

Property management outer banks nc

Weddings can be the most special times of anyones life. Beach weddings, can be even more memorable and amazing. Here are a few tips to make the most of your wonderful beach wedding.

Stay there for a while

Staying at the beach for as long as you can is a pro tip that anyone should consider before their wedding. Stay there for much longer than just the day before the ceremony and the actual wedding day. Spend as long as you can in the beautiful beach front property that you’ll be spending your time. There are beach front vacation homes that you can check out, which will ensure you and your husband- or wife-to-be will have the best possible time. Check out all inclusive wedding packages before you schedule your trip and have a blast!

Stay with friends and family

Having your closest friends and family with you in the days or weeks that lead up to the big day can be extremely special. You’ll all be able to enjoy the beautiful weather, amazing views, and relaxing atmosphere of the beach property together and have more fun that any of you could’ve ever imagined. Although you and all your friends are going to never want to leave, so getting out might be tricky, you’ll all remember this trip for the rest of your lives.

Have fun all around the town (not just the beach)

Although you and your fiance should spend as much time as possible enjoying the beach and relaxing by the water, you both should get out and have a little fun to help ease the stress and nerves that you (most likely) are both experiencing. Check out all the fun things to do around the beach town you’re all staying in. Eat at the most amazing restaurant you can find, do something new that you never in a million years ever thought you would do (skydiving, anyone?), and do whatever you can to ensure that this trip is amazing than ever.

As you spend time having fun before your amazing beach wedding, you might even end up loving the beach so much, you’ll plan to buy some beach front property in the future. Enjoy your special day and enjoy every second you spend at the beach.

Rent a Private Jet to Make Your Business Travel Experience Much More Rewarding

Private jet membership

If you are involved in a fast-paced lifestyle and need to travel on a regular basis due to your work engagements, it is likely that you feel a little tired of the regular modes of transport that are provided for business travelers. Traveling for work purposes is an exercise that many people do not enjoy, for quite a few reasons. Standard modes of public transportation can sometimes leave a lot to be desired, and many people crave the convenience of having something which can be customized and tailored to suit the needs of business travelers. If you are looking for a solution that is completely customizable, and serves quite a few different purposes that you might have while traveling for work related purposes, one thing that you can definitely do is to hire a private aircraft. When you rent a private jet, you not only get the option to customize and tailor your schedule, you also get quite a number of other advantages that can hold you in good stead during your business travels. You can definitely charter a private jet if you want your time during transit to be productive, and can enjoy a more seamless and rewarding experience.

By now, you should already have an idea about the negatives of public transportation and how it can be unsuitable for business travelers. One of the most important characteristics of public transport if that these options usually follow their own schedules, and if you have an urgent need to get somewhere at a particular time, you would have to be left reliant on this schedule. Also, public transportation is often affected by delays and roadblocks, which is not a good thing when it comes to business travel. If you are looking to attend time sensitive meetings, any delay can change things for the worse. Last but not least, public transportation is something that you require to share with other members of the public. This might not be the ideal solution at all times, and you have very little chance of being able to spend your time in transit in any productive manner whatsoever. When you rent a private jet, you can definitely mitigate all these problems and arrive at a solution which not only makes your travel experience much more rewarding and customizable, but also gives you the right ambience during travel which you can definitely use to get some work done and use your transit time productively.

When you charter an executive jet, there can be a number of different advantages that you can enjoy. First, and most importantly, your schedule is entirely in your hands if you rent a private jet. Private flights do not have to conform to the schedules of public transportation, and you can manage things in a manner that suits your needs the best way. Business private jets are also one of the most luxurious ways to travel from one point to another, and can give you the opportunity to truly relax and conserve your energy if you have something important to do when you reach your destination. Since you do not have to share your private jet with other people, you can also use your time off transit in a creative manner. In fact, most private jets are fitted out in such a way that you can use their in-flight amenities and features in a productive way, and can even get some work done while you are traveling. Creative businesspeople sometimes also use private jets as the venues for important meetings and congregations.

This is not all the benefits that you can get when you rent a private jet. Establishing relationships with the right company that offer these services can also be rewarding over the long-term. You can even get deals and discounts which can make business travel much more economical and cost effective, and the kind of service that you can expect every time you rent a private jet can be one of the most important ingredients in your business travel experience. This is one of the best ways that you can travel while on business, while also remaining productive.

Remember These Exciting Camping Activities for Your Family Camping Trip

Campground design

The spring is the perfect time for a camping trip. It is a nice break from the long and cold winter that many states experience. It is also not quite too hot enough, as it can be during the summer months. The spring weather provides the perfect camping weather in many states. As you plan your upcoming spring camping trip, keep the following activities in mind. These are common camping activities that you and your family are sure to enjoy.

Telling stories around a campfire is one of the best camping activities. During the schoolyear, you may often feel rushed and like you do not get enough communication time with your children or your spouse. Camping gives you ample time for communication and storytelling. Tell your children some of the stories that you remember growing up. Pass these stories onto them. It does not even matter if they have heard them already. Also, allow your children to try their own storytelling. If your children are older, scary stories around a dark bonfire can be especially exciting.

The possibility of swimming will depend on the location of your campground, especially in the spring months. The more north that the campground is located, the cooler the water may be. However, if you visit a campground closer to the southern part of the United States, the water will be perfect for swimming. Some campground designs even have campsite pools, which are the perfect place to begin swimming lessons with your children.

Fishing is a favorite camping memory of many children. Even if the water temperatures are still too cold for swimming, you can still participate in fishing. Actually, you are likely to see better fishing conditions in the spring months than you will in the hotter, summer months. Some campgrounds have specific lakes and ponds that are perfect for fishing. A camping trip can be the perfect time to teach a child about fishing. It also provides the family with ample quiet time, encouraging conversations.

Biking and hiking
The entire point of camping is to be outdoors. What is better than furthering your outdoor time with biking or hiking? Choose a campground that offers many wonderful bike and hiking trials. You are sure to see beautiful views as spring brings full color and growth of many plants and trees. Research your potential resort website design before visiting to get a better idea of the available trails. Pick a campsite that has different degrees of difficulty when it comes to hiking and biking for all ages.

Tent sleeping
Sleeping in a tent can be exciting and entertaining on its own. You get to experience the quiet of nature and the calm of the night. You can open your tent for a fresh breeze all night long. With advances to tents, you can even have all of the comforts of a resort, while still engaging in tent sleeping. Increase your outdoor time by choosing a campsite with great tent sleeping options and the ability to cook meals over the campfire.

RV and cabin site camping
RV and cabin site camping is a unique type of camping. If you have ever camped in a RV park or cabin association, you are aware of the neighborhood feel. There are often numerous visitors who come together as a neighborhood during their camping time. This gives young children many play opportunities and the ability to meet all types of people. You can increase your entertainment by joining in activities with other campers.

Camping tends to be a memorable event among families. Many adults remember their first camping trip, participating in tent sleeping and fishing with their parents or grandparents. Provide the same memorable camping trip memories to your family by engaging in all of the exciting camping activities. Increase the entertainment of your camping trip with storytelling, fishing, swimming, biking, hiking, tent sleeping, and RV or cabin site camping. Each experience will be memorable and will give you the best camping vacation possible.

Hotels on the River — How to Choose That Perfect Place to Stay at During Your Riverside Vacation

River hotels

Every once in a while, it is really important to just take a break from your fast-paced, hectic life and just find some time to relax and unwind, preferably with your family. Time off can be used in different ways, and one of the best ways to use it is to go on a vacation to an idyllic location, and to enjoy the sceneries and the people of a different culture to the fullest extent. If you have recently decided to take some time off and go on a vacation with your family, you probably already have some kind of idea about the type of place you would want to visit. Locations that can put you up close and personal with nature, landscapes and wonderful natural creations like rivers and hills can be a great bet for vacations, and if you are looking for such a place, there are a few considerations that, if thought about on time and pre-planning, can make your vacation so much more rewarding and seamless.

Obviously, the first thing that you need to decide on is the location. A riverside location can be a great place for a vacation, as these places already have a wealth of natural wonders that can make for a great idyllic setting for any vacation. The riverside areas are also known to have exciting terrain, vegetation and wildlife, and if this is something that appeals to you, such a location might be a perfect fit for your vacation. Last but certainly not the least, a riverside vacation spot opens up multiple water sport and activity opportunities, and you can take part in exciting activities like rowing, diving, swimming, white water rafting, and even fishing, which is something that excited quite a lot of people. All said and done, a riverside location might just well be that perfect place where you can just pack your bags and go, relax and unwind for a few days. Once you have worked out the right lodging options, things should go smoothly.

Finding the right lodging option is key to making your vacation a success. Whether it is vacation lodge rentals or hotels on the river, any place you choose to stay at during your vacation becomes your home away from home, and should fit certain criteria to ensure that your stay during your vacation remains convenient and seamless. This is why it is absolutely essential to choose the right place to stay at whenever you are planning a vacation. If you are looking at river hotels and lodges for rent, here are a few things to keep in mind. First, you should start by outlining a budget and making a list of things that you consider to be absolute necessities. Amenities which make this list should be factors you should choose eliminate places which are not suitable for your requirements. Then, there should be another list of nice to have features that you can do without if needed. All these factors should come together and you should end up with a shortlist of a few particular hotels on the river. From then on, it is just a matter of taking a look at these hotels and their rates, what kind of deals that you might be eligible for, their locations and their amenities. Finally, after taking a close look at all these hotels on the river, you should be able to zero in on the right one, that would form the perfect place of residence for you and your family during your vacation.

When it comes to taking a look at hotels on the river at your favorite riverside vacation location, you should really understand that making the right decision here is paramount to the success of your trip. This is the place that would act as main headquarters once you and your family reach your vacation destination, and everything needs to be at the right place. Keeping this in mind and making the right choice can be instrumental towards the success of your vacation, and you can end up having an even better time at your family vacation than expected.

Managing International Travel Expenses as a Small Business

Business class tickets to europe

Starting out as a small business can be expensive and at time, difficult. This is especially true if you have to incur a lot of costs, before you actually make a profit. One of the biggest expenses of business is in travel. If you have to make international travel plans, the travel expenses can quickly get out of hand. How can you cut your travel costs, and still make the required business class flights?

Pay attention to prices

Flight prices tend to fluctuate regularly. They are likely to drop in price at certain times of the day, and then, at certain times of the month. Also, last minute flights can offer significant price reductions, in an attempt to fill an empty flight. When flying business class, keep a close eye on prices. If you have a business assistant, make this one of their daily tasks. Regularly monitoring the prices of flights can save you thousands over the course of a year of travel.

Utilize rewards and mile points

There are many credit cards and airlines that offer frequent flyer discounts. These frequent flyer discounts are a great way to add up miles and then receive additional discounts on regular travel. When you are flying business class regularly, consider paying with a credit card that gives you exceptional miles. Also, sign up for any airline loyalty programs. If you travel frequently, you may accrue enough miles for free trips or travel rewards. With U.S. residents logging 459 million trips for business purposes in 2015, with 37% for meetings and events, a lot of business travelers are missing out on owed rewards.

Request any business discounts

If you are flying internationally for a conference or business meeting, request any special rates. Sometimes, convention or conference holders are able to pass on airline or hotel discounts for large groups of people. With a special group code, you can sometimes safe a significant amount of travel costs. Flying business class cost can get expensive, so every little bit helps. There may even be discounted flights especially for travelers of a certain group or business. You may even receive group discounts on amenities and activities in your destination city. The top 5 leisure activities for overseas visitors are shopping, sightseeing, fine dining, national parks and monuments, and amusement and theme parks.

Purchase business class airfare

Many airlines offer travel discounts to those traveling for business, rather than vacation reasons. When you are booking your business class tickets to Europe, ensure that you are flying business class and that you are getting the best price business class flights to Europe. Sometimes it can be helpful to actually call the airline and notify them personally that you will be flying internationally for business purposes. They can usually get you the best business rate over the phone, as many of the travel sites are made specifically for vacation travelers.

Write off travel expenses on your taxes

Traveling for business purposes is considered an expense. That means that you can legally write it off on your taxes. This can significantly reduce your tax responsibility at the end of the year. Keep record of all of your airline and hotel receipts. Also, keep record of any meals, other travel expenses, and booking fees, as those can all be deducted, as well. Approximately 30.78 million U.S. citizens traveled overseas in 2014, with many of these trips for business purposes. Ensure that you are not paying extra taxes on the money incurred because of your international business travel expenses.

International travel is one of the largest expenses of some smaller to medium sized businesses. For a business that is newer or does not yet produce a lot of income, these expenses can be overwhelming. It can be helpful to look for discounter airfares, travel business class, and collect rewards and travel miles. Also, remember to write any expenses incurred on travel off of your yearly taxes. With proper planning and research, you can drastically reduce your international travel costs.

Feed the Adventure Within By Getting Out and Going Tent Camping

Family camping vacations

There is plenty of adventure to be had, if you only make time for it. Society will have us believe that life should be about pursuing the ideal career, the highest dollar, the deepest wallet, fastest car and biggest house. But those who really take the time to understand what life is truly about will be rewarded with the experiences that really make it all worthwhile.

These are the types of people who might spontaneously decide to try skydiving, or try out a new hiking trail, or experiment with a new water sport. And one way to set out to get the most of the potential adventure that awaits you is to go tent camping in an area that offers multiple things to do and discover.

Finding the perfect tent camping spaces

About 70% of camping, whether it is tent camping or in a recreational vehicle, yurt, cabin, or other type of lodging, is done in public campgrounds. Many public campgrounds offer many attractive camping amenities, but the beauty of camping is that you can completely tailor it to what you want it to be. Looking for campgrounds with a pool, or lakeside campgrounds, or those that also have volleyball courts or good fishing holes? There are plenty of options to choose from. And about 87% of people who went camping took part in more than one outdoor adventure. Camping is the perfect way to launch a multitude of exciting activities and experiences!

The beauty of getting away from the bustle

While there are indeed so many people who participate in many different activities during their camping experience, about 47% of adults who responded to a camping survey said that they enjoy it for the simple act of camping alone. The rest of the outdoor adventures and opportunities end up being nice bonuses. But many claim that the main factor that urges them to head out for a camping trip is the attractive idea of camping itself. And can that really be a surprise? Getting out of the city, away from the chaos, and back to nature is a healing and extremely gratifying feeling.

From public wooded campgrounds to sites off the beaten trail
Gazing up at the stars, gathering to roast marshmallows or other snacks around the crackling fire, exploring the wilderness or making friends with nearby campers, the list of camping pros goes on and on. And with so many different types of sites to choose from, you will be sure to find exactly what you’re looking for. Whether you want the middle of nowhere feeling while still being close to the comforts of civilization, or you really want to get away from it all, there is a campground or a forest just waiting for you to set up your tent.

The wilderness is calling to the wild inside you. Even if city life is usually your comfort bubble, there is at least a small part of you that yearns for the freedom of nature, for skies instead of ceilings and trees or fields instead of walls. Heed the call of the wild, pack up your tent, and set out on your very own adventure.