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Rebuilding Together and Their Work Helping Improve Houses

Did you know? 85% of homes in the United States were built before 1980 and are in need of improvement. That doesn’t mean families can always afford home improvements, however. In fact, countless individuals need home improvement help for low income families.

Fortunately, thanks to organizations like, help is there. Whether you’re looking for home improvement help for low income families or you want to help those in need, keep reading to learn how Rebuilding Together is improving homes like yours for people in need.

How Provides Home Improvement Help for Low Income Families

Rebuilding Together provides essential home repairs to people who can’t afford them, but that’s only the beginning. They also help people caught in the middle of natural and man-made disasters rebuild their homes and lives through their Disaster Readiness and Recovery program.

They do this by organizing small groups of generous people in local areas to provide services and support to the needy. These people go beyond simply making repairs, often impacting every aspect of life for those they help.

From roofing to toilet repair, local affiliates for Rebuilding Together are there to solve just about every problem their neighbors might face.

Help for the Elderly

Rebuilding Together has multiple different programs, such as their Disaster Readiness and Recovery program, to focus on unique needs that different groups of people face. One of their programs is Safe at Home, which focuses specifically on the elderly.

Older people tend to be the most vulnerable and dependent, and they’re especially at risk right now during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rebuilding Together affiliates make sure the elderly people in their communities have what they need to live at home in a way that’s safe, healthy, and independent. Ativan is effective, but has a number of side effects. My mother used to take Ativan often. It helped her. But recently he had to give up because of side effects. The liver did not stand up to the load of Ativan. The fact that the remedy is serious, says the fact that it is not on sale. I agree that such remedies should be under control

The Safe at Home program provide doesn’t just provide much-needed assistance to some of our communities’ most cherished residents. It also gives the elderly the chance to remain in their homes and communities where they’re most comfortable, for as long as possible. In fact, nine out of 10 people who received repairs say they intend to age in place, rather than moving to a nursing center or retirement home.

Help for Women and Children in Poverty

Did you know that more than one in seven women, and more than one in five children, live in poverty? Of those impoverished children, more than half live in families that are headed by women, without a partner earning a second income. Fortunately, there’s a Rebuilding Together program to address this need as well.

The female-lead, female-focused program, She Builds, provides home remodeling and repairs for women, as well as for community spaces that serve women. As a result, women and children get to enjoy safer and healthier homes, giving them a chance to grow and positively benefit the world around them.

Help for Everyone

Thanks to, anyone can obtain home improvement help for low income families. Local affiliates complete almost 10,000 projects each year, from roof repair to energy-efficient improvements.

There are affiliates all over the United States ready to help those in need. If you or someone you love needs help, you can find affiliates near you on Rebuilding Together’s website.

If you run a contracting business or have some skilled friends and would like to start an affiliate in your hometown, you can do that on their website as well.

Need Help with Home Repairs? These are Some Options

Being a homeowner has several financial benefits, but it can get very pricey because you’re completely responsible when things break down. If you don’t know how to fix things yourself, it can cost a lot of money to get repairs made. Even if you’re pretty good with your hands, materials alone can cost a lot of money.

Rebuilding Together isn’t your only option when it comes to home improvement help for low income families. Whether you need a handyman or a master welder, here are a few options for financial assistance with repairs.

HUD Title 1 Property Improvement Loans

The Title 1 Property Improvement Loan is backed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD. It’s a program that incentivizes private lenders, like banks, to offer home improvement loans. These loans can be used for any home improvement project, from furnace repair to full remodels.

These fixed-rate loans can be used for any home alternation, improvement, or repairs. The maximum loan amount for single-family homes goes up to $25,000, while loans for multifamily homes peak at $60,000.

Although this is a loan you have to pay back and not free repairs, the program ensures that practically anyone who needs a loan for home improvements can get it. This is because the HUD insures private lenders against potential loss should their borrowers fail to pay them back. As a result, even homeowners with poor credit can get a loan for home repairs.

To qualify for a Title 1 Property Improvement Loan, you must be able to show proof that your income is sufficient to pay off the loan through regular monthly payments. The payments don’t have to be exceedingly high — as long as you have a little extra money at the end of the month, it could be a viable option for you. Of course, if you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel as it is, you should try one of the other suggestions on this list first.

203(k) Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance Program

Another requirement you must meet for a Title 1 Property Improvement Loan is that you must have been living in the home for at least 90 days. However, if you moved into a home just recently, or purchased a home and want to make repairs before moving in, the 203(k) Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance Program might be right for you.

This program allows you to borrow up to $35,000 for home repairs through your mortgage. It’s available to homebuyers who want to improve their property before moving it, but it’s also available to people who’ve lived in their homes for a long time. In fact, you can apply for this loan in conjunction with a Title 1 Property Home Improvement Loan.

To qualify for the 203(k) Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance Program, the total cost of needed repairs must be at least $5,000. This makes it better for major projects, and not the best fit if you need a few hundred dollars for residential AC services. The property to be improved must also meet certain structural and energy efficiency standards.

Applications for the program must be submitted through an FHA approved lender.

Section 504 Home Repair Program

The 504 Home Repair Program is another program that provides home improvement help for low income families. In addition to loans, however, this program also offers grants to qualifying individuals, although usually, these are elderly applicants who may be living in hazardous conditions.

504 loans can be spent on anything related to home improvement, from light fixtures to fence supplies. Best of all, they have a very low interest rate of just 1%, and a generous repayment period of 20 years. Loans of up to $20,000, and grants as high as $7,500, are both available. Not only that, but sometimes applicants can qualify for both, adding up to a total of $27,500 in assistance.

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity is famous for building affordable housing in the United States and around the world. But you might be surprised to know that many chapters of Habitat for Humanity also renovate existing buildings, and they often offer home improvement help for low income families.

Much like Rebuilding Together, each local affiliate for Habitat for Humanity takes responsibility for offering services in their community. Habitat affiliates determine who to provide assistance to based on the level of need, willingness to take part in repairs through “sweat equity” hours (if able), and ability to make monthly mortgage payments. Obviously, those with greater need will usually be served first.

Some Habitat affiliates provide additional services, including educational workshops, to help people in ways besides housing. One of their services you might be familiar with is ReStore, a nonprofit donation center that sells new and gently used appliances, furniture, and building materials. These products are usually priced at very affordable rates, making ReStore a great option for furnishing and renovating a home on a tight budget.

Just like with Rebuilding Together, you can visit Habitat for Humanity’s website to find an affiliate near you, as well as to see if there’s a ReStore center in your area.

Local Volunteer Programs and Churches

One thing we’ve seen throughout the COVID-19 pandemic is communities coming together to support one another. You may not have to look any further than your own church or neighborhood to find help with home improvement projects.

While organizations like Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together partner with local contractors to provide help, local services will often help those in need even if they aren’t partnered with an organization. There might be a plumber at your church who would be happy to offer discounted repairs if you asked. Or you might have a few neighbors who are skilled at DIY projects and repairs, who would do simple tasks for you.

It can feel awkward to ask someone for help, but remember that most people enjoy helping others. Everyone has been down on their luck at some point or another, so don’t feel bad about needing help. Giving service to others is even more rewarding than receiving it, anyway.

Other Community Programs

Depending on where you live, there may be local community programs through which you can apply for discounted or free home repairs. Sometimes these are like small-scale alternatives to Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together, but other times communities will have completely different programs that are unique to that area.

To discover what options and opportunities exist for you, you can contact your local county or government housing department. You can also reach out to your state’s HUD, or Department of Housing and Urban Development, which may direct you to services and programs you qualify for.

As you research different opportunities near you, remember to keep an open mind, as you may discover unexpected benefits that make it easier for you to get the repairs you need. We’ve already discussed some of the loan programs that are available through institutions like the HUD, but there may also be grants for housing repairs that you can apply for.

Some areas also provide incentives for making certain home improvements, such as projects to make your home more energy-efficient. Sometimes these come in the form of tax credits. While these aren’t the same as handing you cash money, they may help make getting repairs more reasonable for your budget.

Be Flexible, Patient, and Persistent

There are many people who need home improvement help for low income families, and that’s never been more true than it is now. Because of this, you can expect there to be long waiting lists, as other people are trying to find assistance for themselves. It’s also not uncommon for organizations to be overloaded with requests for help. And even when you do find an organization that offers you assistance, it may not be the exact kind of help you hoped for or had in mind.

None of this should discourage you from reaching out, however. Home improvement help for low income families is out there, whether it comes through the government, a charity, or people in your hometown. If you get put on a waiting list, be patient while you search for other options. If you don’t get a response at first, call again. And if an organization makes an offer, try to make it work with your situation, even if it isn’t the exact solution you were hoping for. This kind of flexibility is important for those in need of home improvement help for low income families.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you should be willing to pitch in and offer help when you can, too. You may not have extra money for repairs right now, but you might have some skills that others would find valuable. If a local roofing company gives you a discount on repairs, at the very least leave them a sparkling review and a shoutout on social media. If someone in your church or neighborhood offers help or service, try to find a way to help them in return. Some local organizations actually function based on this model, providing assistance to people in exchange for their own volunteer efforts.

When you experience generosity from another source, whether it’s a local HVAC service or a government agency, it’s important to pay it forward. You’ve probably had first-hand experience with how good it feels to receive help from someone when you most need it. Make a commitment to give wherever you can, to whomever you get the chance to help, as much as you’re able. You may not have much to give right now, and that’s okay. But try to adopt a generous, giving attitude towards life and others for the future.

Thanks to organizations like Rebuilding Together, you should never have to choose between paying your bills and making essential repairs. With home improvement help for low income families, you can accomplish both without dealing with the added expense. All you have to do is ask


U.S. Navy SEALs Swim the Hudson for Charity

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The SEALS of the U.S. Navy are known for their saying, “The only easy day was yesterday.” On Saturday, August 2nd, 2019, 30 of these rugged warriors made sure their day wasn’t easy while supporting homeless Veterans and honoring military veterans, their families, and those who died in the attacks of 9/11 and the wars that followed.

This video captures the camaraderie and teamwork involved during an open water swim up the Hudson River from Liberty State Park in New Jersey and Lower Manhattan in New York City. The SEALS did their part by swimming in multiple legs that involved periodic stops to climb aboard the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Drift Collection Vessel HAYWARD.

During these stops, the SEALs would follow a routine of pullups, pushups, and other exercises followed by a return to the water for more swimming. While the effort proved to be no great physical challenge to the highly trained “frogmen”, they gave it their all to put on a worthy show for donors and other participants.

The teamwork involved support from the New York Police Department, the New York Fire Department, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Col Tom Asbury, Commander, New York District of the Corps, welcomed the intrepid swimmers onboard and supervised the event from the Hayward.

This ship, the largest in the New York Harbor fleet, carries out its mission of keeping New York and New Jersey harbors free of debris and other floating items that present dangers to marine traffic.

The FDNY provided support boats that sprayed water fountains in the harbor during the event. The path of the swim started at Liberty State Park, went out to the Statue of Liberty, progressed to Ellis Island, and ended in Manhattan just below the site of the two former World Trade Center Twin Towers.

This event was just one of many that the SEALs regularly undertake and have helped them raise more than $80,000 for homeless Veterans and other beneficiaries. The expectation is that the swim will become an annual event to continue its efforts to raise even more funds for these purposes.


Why You Should Fulfill Your Dream of Opening a Bed and Breakfast This Year

Like the rest of the world, the American workforce has been shaken to its core in 2020. Once thriving small businesses are being forced to board up, employees who once commuted to and traveled for work are indefinitely staying at home, and using hard-earned vacation time for exotic destinations has become a distant memory. One of the worst parts about the whole mess is that nobody has a real idea about how long it will last.

As depressing as it all sounds (sorry about that), new developments have made life a little easier. While the world is still very much on lockdown, certain previously super-tight restrictions are being somewhat relaxed. Schools and businesses are opening their doors again with new health requirements, and, little by little, the world is cautiously allowing visitors from other countries. Although it’s not a rapid-fire process, it is an encouraging one — and can also mean good things for your own career.

In the year of turbulence and change to the workforce, what better time to focus on what makes you the happiest? Opening a bed and breakfast might seem crazy in a time like this, but think about the reasons why it’s perfectly sane: You or your partner may have made a job shift this year already thanks to the virus; the economy is slowly beginning to rebuild from the inside; and, most enticingly, more people are choosing to stay local if they choose to travel. If you have always wanted to make the career change of your dreams but haven’t been brave enough to do it, now’s your sign to leap. Here are our top tips for investing in a bed and breakfast.

Don’t Dive In Without a Plan

As exciting as the idea of becoming an entrepreneur is, remember that you can’t just barrel into such a huge endeavor without a plan of some sort. There are a thousand questions you need to ask and answer before you can start handing room keys out to guests. Sit down and come up with a business plan; you might consider finding legal help to get you through this part since business lawyers went to school for situations exactly like yours.

If you’d rather focus on a business plan on your own, create a rough outline. This is not a moment of dreaming about color schemes and what kind of curtains to hang in the lobby, but a very real and level headed meeting with yourself about how you can accomplish your goal. Some questions you need to ask yourself include:

  • Where will I open my business? This is perhaps the most important question of them all. In what kind of location will your business be located? We’re not talking about the actual landscape (although that’s a factor too), but rather the market. If you are thinking about opening a bed and breakfast in a well-traveled tourist area, examine the competition. Is the market saturated with similar establishments, or would yours be a unique stand-out against the other hospitality choices? Contrarily, is your desired location a ghost town with no regular travelers? If so, reconsider your location. Remember, you want to attract as many people as possible. If your location has little to no regular travelers, would a bed and breakfast really be a wise investment in that area?
  • Who is my target audience? Again, your location will play heavily into your target audience. Does the area consist mostly of empty nesters and retirees, is it a bustling college town with young students looking for fun, or is it mostly populated with families looking for a break from the normal? Look closely at the sort of clientele you can expect to see the most often so that you can market appropriately. Which, interestingly, brings us nicely to our next question…
  • What will my brand strategy be? Once you have an idea about the sort of audience to expect, you can start thinking about how you want to represent your business. A brand strategy is not a shiny logo or catchy slogan; rather, your brand strategy is more centered on your company culture. How will you represent your establishment to the public? What are your core values, beliefs, ideals? These might not mean much to you right now, but when you’re attracting visitors, it means more than you could ever know.
  • When do I want to have my business open and what are my long-term plans? Anybody can say that they want to open a bed and breakfast, but having a strict timeline and sticking to it is what will make the biggest difference. By forcing yourself to be disciplined and follow a schedule, you will simultaneously force yourself to get things done. On the same token, having a strict deadline will also help to guide your steps. If you want your establishment opened by Mother’s Day of next year, for example, you need to get moving and figure out what it will take to meet that goal.
  • How do I fund this endeavor? Ah, the million-dollar question (no pun intended). Opening a business costs money, and something as ambitious as a bed and breakfast will definitely take a pretty penny to make a reality. Look at your financing options and make a decision that makes the most sense to you; do you have cash squirreled away somewhere, can you take out a loan, etc? If you have a financial advisor, this would be the best possible time to pick their brain and get some questions answered.

A business plan is not just a vision board to help you follow your dreams; rather, a business plan is the document that will help kick your booty along and keep your motivated to keep the process going. As we mentioned, anyone can say they want to open a bed and breakfast — the difference with you is that you have the drive, motivation, and most importantly, a solid plan to help you get it started.

Clean Up Your Credit Score

American high schools really need to do a better job about drilling this into students’ heads: YOUR CREDIT SCORE IS EVERYTHING. It helps you get a better deal and lower interest rates on big-ticket purchases (funding for appliances, vehicles, etc), you have a better chance of qualifying for good credit cards like American Express/Capital One, and, perhaps most importantly, it helps you to qualify for a home or business loan. If a cash property purchase is not in the cards for you (and don’t feel bad if that’s the case; 62.9% of Americans are in the same boat), then a business loan is the next logical step for your bed and breakfast.

If your credit score is in less than stellar condition, there’s no need to beat yourself up about it; this only means that you will take a little longer to qualify for a loan. Cleaning up a dirty credit score is no easy task, but the time and energy that you take in doing so is absolutely worth it. If you have no idea where to start, here are a few pointers:

  • Get current on all of your bills. We know this is the hardest piece of advice of all of them, but it will ultimately do you the most good. Prioritize your bills in order of importance and pay them as quickly as you can.
  • Contact your creditors and try to work out a different plan than your current one. Although certain debtors lock you into your monthly payment with no margin for change, others are willing to work with you. Speak to a representative and, as kindly as you can, explain your hardships. Ask if there’s any way that you can work out another payment, a lower interest rate, anything to help you out. It doesn’t always work, but you know what they say about catching more flies with honey than vinegar.
  • Gain access to your credit score and look over it with a fine-tooth comb. If you catch an error — even a small one like your name misspelled — then this is absolutely grounds for dispute. If you write a goodwill or a notification letter to the credit companies, anything erroneous will be sponged away and your credit score can instantly improve. You can subscribe to credit monitoring services like ScoreSense and FICO Advanced, but those will charge you a monthly fee. For free services, look into, the Federal Trade Commission, and You can usually only gain monthly access to your reports instead of on-demand access, but they are invaluable nonetheless.

Is rebuilding your credit easy? No, not in the slightest. But when you’re standing in your freshly minted bed and breakfast, happily gazing at your dream come true, it’s worth the hard work. It takes hard work to rebuild a struggling credit score, but the rewards are worth it in the end.

Find the Right Agent to Work With

Once you’ve figured out your financing options, it’s time for the fun part: Finding an actual property to use as your bed and breakfast! You’ve already done the research, like knowing that the average bed and breakfast has 8.5 rooms with attached private bathrooms, but now you need to find the proper location. You can do this on your own, but having a dedicated real estate agent on your side can help you through the process much more easily. Real estate agents know the business inside and out, plus they have an insider’s knowledge into negotiating and networking with other people in the industry, as well as niche skills like real estate photography and the oh-so-subtle art of schmoozing.

Although it’s certainly an option for you to go through the process by yourself, ask yourself if it’s worth it. If there was an issue during the deal, would you feel comfortable dealing with real estate lawyers and legal jargon? What about financing problems, would you be able to settle all of it on your own? Even though it’s an added expense, it’s worth finding the right agent to help you find your dream bed and breakfast. These people are pros in their industry and understand the ins and outs, making them the perfect companions for the task at hand.

Hire a Maintenance Crew

Regardless of what kind of building you end up purchasing, remember that you will need a maintenance team to help you with the upkeep. Whether you’re renovating an existing bed and breakfast or are gutting another building to make one from scratch, there will be some heavy lifting.

A handy tip to help you is to find a real estate property management team. This is a squad of professionals that can help with everything from preventive maintenance to HVAC services and heating repairs. Ask your real estate agent for recommendations; oftentimes they have a list of names from previous happy clients.

If your agent doesn’t have anyone they recommend, it’s on you to find your own maintenance crew. It can be tough, especially if you’re (rightfully) picky about who works on your bed and breakfast, but don’t despair. Look online for local contractors, making sure to read user reviews. Don’t rely on only one website’s reviews, though; look everywhere from Angie’s List to Google Reviews to Yelp. If you see a pattern of the same complaints across the different platforms, this could be a red flag. Contrarily, if you see a pattern of positive words, this could be a green flag. The vetting process is in your hands, so be careful and choosy when you’re finding someone.

It’s a TON of work to make a dream come true, and if your dream is to open a bed and breakfast, then the work never really stops. In a world that has more stay-cations than vacations these days, a bed and breakfast could be just a niche business for you and prospective clients. Ensure that you’ve got a solid business plan in place, along with a team of professionals to help you fund, find, and maintain your endeavor. Nobody said that it would be easy — but everyone says it will be worth it.


How to Create a Cozy Bed and Breakfast

cozy bed and breakfast

Hotels and far away accommodations are the delight of many travelers around the world and across cultures. To be away from home, but not feel like comfort and a good night’s sleep are so far away, is the hallmark of creating a great hospitality experience that many corporations and individuals try to balance. While it may be easy for a multi-million dollar corporation to provide granite bathroom countertops in all of its rooms, this is harder for the individual hospitality manager. But what you lack in glitz and glamour you can make up for in a cozy bed and breakfast experience.

The ambiance of a cozy bed and breakfast is truly something that still cannot be replicated by mass marketers and industrial capitalism. It is within the domain of a unique individual to provide to their fellow humans, and does not necessarily require taking out jumbo loans to finance (though such a financial opportunity can never hurt). It can be done with a large or small property, in almost any area on earth, with the right attitude and work ethic. All that it really takes is a willingness to provide an amazing and restorative experience for the individuals that stay with you. Not only because that’s the correct way to do business, but also because it may make them lifelong customers!

In this article we’ll explain how to create a bed and breakfast if you’re a first-time hospitality manager, or make your existing cozy bed and breakfast into a truly delightful experience for any traveler that happens to grace your doorway. Tips and tricks will include everything from the practical (such as replacing wood fences around your property) to more sublime and detailed pieces of hospitality ambiance like room decor and more. Hopefully, you will have more than enough inspiration and practical tips to get started right away without feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

Give Your Guests a Reason to Ditch the Hotel Chains

To many weary travelers, a bed and breakfast is a much different atmosphere from a commercial hotel establishment. In lieu of a fancy restaurant in the marble lobby, they have opted to stay in your larger home for a more intimate experience. Part of the appeal of staying in a truly cozy bed and breakfast isn’t just bacon and eggs in the morning, it’s the ability to be in someone’s living room and a more natural environment. Sterile hotel sheets and tiny soaps are exchanged for a more homey experience that feels “lived in” and “just like home to many people.” Why not open a small restaurant right in your bed and breakfast? Since 96% of Americans say that vacation time is important to them, this should be a point of concern for you to both rejoice in your control and pay attention to details.

cozy bed and breakfast

To some degree your guests really are living in a home, but a home in which floor cleaning is practiced more often than we probably do on a day-to-day basis, among other cleaning protocols. While not all “bed and breakfasts” strictly offer breakfast, they do usually entice customers with some sort of meal. Whether you want to make a gourmet breakfast or offer a wine and cheese night is strictly up to you and your tastes, but what you are simply after is a cozy bed and breakfast experience that will elicit positive feedback from your (hopefully) many customers.

Whether you indulge your guests with gourmet food, unique experiences or simply wonderful rooms that have amazing scented candles, you can always give them a reason to ditch the hotel chains. After getting in the swing of minding your own business, you’ll surely be surprised at the level of customization and quality experiences you can provide that would simply be glossed over in any larger hotel experience. When you’re the boss, you have the ability to delight your guests in every way, shape, and appropriate to your business. Opioid addicts use Tramadol to reduce withdrawal symptoms after quitting heroin or opium. cheap tramadol online However, this just delays the appearance of withdrawal, transforming dependence on one drug to another.

Cultivate a Comfortable and Welcoming Atmosphere

When your guests arrive to stay at a cozy bed and breakfast, they certainly expect a comfortable room and a meal. This is standard, and something that even basic hotel chains can offer nowadays. But when you give your guests an incentive and experience beyond what a budget hotel chain could offer, you not only incentivize them to come back, but perhaps leave an impression that prolongs their stay for longer than they’d planned.

You might even anticipate that guests might have trouble sleeping in the new environment of your bed and breakfast, no matter how comfortable it might be. This is a natural function of human psychology and only has a bit to do with your establishment. Luckily, there is something that you can do. In this respect, you can offer natural sleep and relaxation aids in your rooms such as herbal tea, CBD oil extract, lavender aromatherapy, or whatever might be local to your area. It may not seem like much, but these tiny additions will truly make your space stand out as a cozy bed and breakfast that people may even take pictures of and positively share on social media.

cozy bed and breakfast

Part of cultivating a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere might also be curating experiences for your guests. Bed and breakfasts can be located anywhere, from urban to rural areas, and they all come with their unique experiences that guests might want to indulge in. If you’re in wine country or an area known for a local crop, your guests might want to sample the goods or tour the fields. In an urban area, they might want to know some of the best cafes or where the parks are located in order to people watch. You know your area best for these types of excursions, so you can provide the best data.

Keep Your House Up to Date for Maximum Profit

If you’ve never operated a bed and breakfast before, you’ll need a property in which to do so. There really is no standard square footage or design that a bed and breakfast requires in order to operate, although your local state or city might have their own regulations you need to follow. Usually, a bed and breakfast consists of a couple of rented rooms, along with the room (or wing of the property) that you live in yourself as the caretaker. It’s helpful if your bed and breakfast conforms to these basic specifications to start out.

In order to charge the fair market rate (and perhaps special rates for holidays, weekends, etc) you’ll want to make sure that your property is in tip-top shape. This means a full housing inspection even if your rooms are ready to rent out and seem fine. The last thing you want is a guest complaining about bad A/C or ventilation issues in their room when you could have easily queried HVAC companies for a quote on how to fix the issue before it started. It’s important to make sure the house is up to code, has no leaks/drafts, pest issues, and is safe to inhabit (especially if it’s a historic house).

If you are buying or restoring a historic house, it can be helpful to preserve some of the furniture or finishes as part of the appeal. While it might not be cheap, you can enlist the help of a furniture refinishing service that will help you preserve historic pieces so that they can actually be used and appreciated by guests instead of rotting away in a museum. This may also allow you to increase the price for which you charge guests, giving them pieces of “living history” to interact with. Not only will it help keep your house up to spec, but it will also differentiate you from the bed and breakfast competition.

Make Sure the Rooms Are In Tip-Top Shape

cozy bed and breakfast

Probably the most important part of creating a cozy bed and breakfast experience is making sure that the actual rooms your guests will be staying in are in tip-top shape. Some other parts of the property can be in various states of disrepair, but it is unacceptable for the rooms to be anything but flawless. This means having clean and soft sheets, no bad smells or odors, comfortable lighting, and providing basic amenities that help your guests feel at home.

You may want to make each room have a unique theme or color scheme to help keep things easier for you. If your property is historic, you may want to include historical items about the property in each room so that guests can feel as if they are a part of something larger and more interesting before they turn the light out. If your property is supposedly haunted or used to be owned by historical figures, that is also something worth pointing out.

Only you can decide whether including modern “essentials” like WiFi or TVs is part of the cozy bed and breakfast you’re trying to offer, or if you’re trying to make your bed and breakfast a retreat from modern society. You can always query your guests later on whether these amenities were needed and get more detailed feedback. Sometimes things like hand lotion or mints are appreciated, but you probably don’t need to include a full coffee maker in each room. After all, that’s what breakfast is for!

Differentiate Yourself From the Competition

When differentiating yourself from other bed and breakfast providers in your local area, you may want to consider how you stand out. This doesn’t necessarily mean gimmicks, although some of the great motel and hotels of the American past utilized clever signs with the help of commercial electrical services to win over guests. While your bed and breakfast probably doesn’t need a large colored neon sign, it’s something worth thinking about. Any way that you can quietly (or overtly) differentiate yourself from the competition will win over guests and help you to create the bed and breakfast experience both parties desire.

You may cater mostly to older people or younger couples on vacation. Solo travelers or international guests may become your specialty, there really is no “right” way to view this. You can reap the benefits of meeting many amazing people while also making money if you simply put your nose to the grindstone and figure out how you’d like to achieve your goals. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to run advertisements or anything either, but you can certainly promote your bed and breakfast through a variety of channels. Nowadays you don’t just have to utilize traditional media, and through social media and other sites, such as Airbnb, you can attract a wide variety of guests at a price range that is acceptable to all.

Invest In the Gourmet

The food options at bed and breakfasts are so varied and wide, that once again there is no standard you must live up to. If you want to market yourself as the “steak and eggs” bed and breakfast, then you can simply learn how to cook amazing steak and eggs to serve to your guests with gourmet sides. If you’d rather have a rotating menu of breakfast items that your guests can choose from, that is also an option. Most guests consider a cozy bed and breakfast experience to include some sort of hot home-cooked meal, even if it is not necessarily gourmet. Having freshly ground coffee and local jams won’t hurt, and it’s always nice to think of these extras.

cozy bed and breakfast

You can be ahead of the game by searching for local ingredients to put in your cuisine, especially if the area your bed and breakfast is located in is known for something. Local wine grape jelly is an excellent substitute for the mass-produced, as is local honey. Farm fresh eggs are usually easy to include and will put a smile on most of your guest’s faces, and if you can learn how to make your own bread your bed and breakfast will surely be a hit for many fellow travelers to come.

Listen to Feedback With an Open Mind

After your guests have gone, it can be tempting to simply ask them to leave a review of your cozy bed and breakfast out of routine. Sometimes you get so busy that you don’t even have time to look at the reviews before your next guests arrive, let alone analyze them for tips and tricks that could help you along in your bed and breakfast journey. As always, take reviews with a grain of salt unless something truly poignant pops out at you – positive or negative. Guests aren’t entitled to like their experiences even if you’ve provided everything under the sun for them, and you don’t have to host them next time.

You may get comments that seem far fetched, like “this property would be amazing if it only had a pool outside.” While that may be an expense that you don’t want to indulge in, at some point if you receive that comment from enough visitors you may seriously want to consider pool installation as a feature to add to your property. Any expense that you incur by improving your bed and breakfast can eventually be offset by higher prices from satisfied guests. If you learn to manage your money correctly, you truly can have it all.

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How to Create a Guest Bedroom That feels like a Bed and Breakfast

Regardless of how small or large your spare bedroom is you can create a guest bedroom that delivers that BandB vibe. You can create a guest bedroom that is welcoming, comforting, and that looks amazing with just a few simple changes.

A lot of people make the mistake that their too small guest room does not offer the space that is needed to create a guest bedroom that can mimic the feel of a beautiful bed and breakfast. The fact is, you can transform any sized space into a welcoming retreat for your guests.

Address the Big Things First

If your budget is limited you will want to direct whatever funds you have to make sure that the guest bedroom is in good shape before you start decorating. For example, if the air conditioning is in need of repair and it is the middle of July, put your money into that.

Water damage from a faulty window can be repaired with a few coats of paint that are made especially to hide the damage. You do not have to take on replacing the windows right now but you do need to make any repairs to the windows.

If you can afford replacement windows that would be a good place to start on the overhaul of your guest bedroom, but don’t stress, if you cant. You can just take corrective measures to make sure it does not start raining in your guest bedroom while your guests are occupying it.

You do not have to start ripping out the flooring, or do anything too drastic to create a guest bedroom with a BandB feel, but you do have to address any issues that will affect the comfort level or safety of the room.

If you live in an older home, there is a good chance that asbestos was used in the materials to build the home. You do not necessarily have to hire a company for asbestos removal but you should take steps to cover any materials that you believe contain asbestos. Some of the more common building materials that contain asbestos include ceiling tiles (on dropped ceilings a 1970s favorite) certain floor tiles, and some insulation.

Make sure you have plenty of time to plan ahead so you can get any major work out of the way in other areas of the house as well. For example, get any lingering plumbing work done before the scheduled visit just to be sure that the whole house is in good condition.

Decorating Ideas on a Budget

You want to welcome your guests and make them feel right at home but your budget is a little on the lean side, that’s okay, you still have plenty of great affordable options available to create a guest bedroom that looks like you poured a lot of money into it.

One of the easiest ways and most affordable ways to transform a room is to paint it because paint is so inexpensive. You can paint an entire room including the ceiling and the trim for right around $100. Of course, that estimate is based on your doing the work yourself.

Choosing the right color to create a guest bedroom that is on track with the style you want is vital. Follow these tips to get a look that you will love:

  • Small spaces benefit from light colors. While it is true that painting a small space in a light color will make space feel larger, don’t be afraid to throw in that jewel-toned accent wall if you just love the richness of jewel tones.
  • Neutrals are always a good option. Neutral tones provide a relaxing backdrop. Consider light sage greens or light grays if you want a bit of color.
  • Avoid overly bright colors. You want your guests to relax, bright colors can keep them wide awake.

The paint will set the design tone for the room, do take the time to choose your paint carefully. Paint can help you to pick out the rest of the décor for your guest bedroom. For example, let’s say you decide on a nice neutral cream color, you can add pops of color with the accessories you choose for the room.

Accessories really will make the room. When you create a guest bedroom choosing the right accessories is a must. The accessories you choose will set the design of the room. Some of the accessories that you choose should be focused on providing comfort and design.

Use what you have. If you are decorating on a budget use the items you already have. For example, that old comforter can be turned into a brand new looking comforter by using a duvet cover. Duvet covers are about $30 and can easily make your comforter look brand new. The beauty of duvet covers is that you can switch out styles whenever you want, and do it on the cheap.

Bed and breakfasts are all about comfort. You can create a guest bedroom that is overflowing with comfort by adding plenty of fluffy pillows to the bed, investing in some brushed cotton sheets, and getting a duvet cover that adds a designer look.

To ensure your guests comfort consider these cheap décor ideas:

  • An overstuffed chair in the corner of the room with a reading lamp. A place to sit and relax or read is a great addition to any guest room. If you are working on a tight budget, a thrift store find can be a great solution. With some material and a staple gun, you can reupholster the chair and give your guests a great place to collect themselves and relax.
  • Add a great area rug. There is nothing worse than stepping out of bed onto a cold floor in the mornings. An area rug will take the chill out and add some great décor details. The thrift shop can be a great place to find the perfect area rug. Even if you find one that needs repair, antique rug repair can do the trick.
  • A few strategically placed vases with fresh flowers are a very welcoming touch. Pluck a few flowers from your garden or buy a bouquet at your local grocery store, then add them to a vase to create a wonderful welcoming feeling. Of course, check to see if your guest has any allergies to take into consideration. If allergies present a problem invest in some high-quality artificial flowers.

It does not take a huge investment to create a guest bedroom that will make your guests feel at home.

Create a Guest Bedroom That is a Retreat For Your Guests

While it is certain that your guests will want to spend as much time as possible with you, they also likely will need some time to themselves. Some guests may want to take a mid-afternoon nap, others may have some work they need to get done, and yet others may simply want some space to themselves.

You can easily meet all the needs of your guests by adding some thoughtful amenities to the room including:

  • Room darkening shades or drapes. How lovely is it to be able to take a nap in the afternoon and block out all the light? So lovely. Room darkening shades or curtains can do the trick nicely. Shades and curtains that can block out the light come in a wide range of styles and designs that not only creates a great atmosphere but heightens the style of the room.
  • Add a small desk or other surfaces that can double as a desk. Not all guests will need a space to work but most every guest will have devices that they need to charge. Adding a small desk or even floating shelves can give them a place to put their devices, and work.
  • Hang a small TV. Hang a small flat-screen TV in the room to save floor space and to give your guests the option of watching their favorite shows. You do not have to run cable lines to the room, just plug in a streaming device.

What if you do not have room for an actual desk in your space? That is easy, a beautiful bed tray can do. A slide-in bed tray that is on a stand can double as a workspace. Sometimes you have to get creative to make the most of the room that you do have.

You may not have tons of floor space so you may have to look upwards to incorporate all the items that you want to. Use vertical space. Hang shelves for storage space for your guests, and consider other items that you can get up off the floor to make the room feel bigger without sacrificing style.

Making sure that your guests have the items that they need in the room will ensure that they feel completely at home. You can also add a basket with guest towels, washcloths, and personal items like soaps, small shampoos, and body washes.

The small details like a basket full of shower goods, will help your guests to feel more comfortable. You can even put a new toothbrush and small travel toothpaste in the basket just in case they have forgotten their supplies.

If you use the closet in your spare room to store out of season clothing or décor, it is time to clear it out. Even if you transport everything to the garage temporarily, you will need to provide a space for your guests to hang their own clothing. Of course, if you are really in a pinch for space in your guest room, taking the door off the closet can open up a cubby area that can hold a dresser, a small desk, and more.

The Outside Details

You can create a guest bedroom that your guests will want to retreat too often but that is not the only space to focus on. You can create a great outdoor living space for your guests as well. If your guest bedroom is adjacent to a porch, balcony, or easily accessible to the backyard, don’t forget to make that area welcoming as well.

A small café table with a blanket thrown over the back of the chairs for those chilly nights placed near a sliding glass door is an inviting space any guest will love to relax in. Making sure that your outside looks as good as your inside is an important factor in delivering that bed and breakfast vibe.

Preparing for Your Guests Arrival

Once you create a guest bedroom you can be proud of, it is time to tackle the rest of the house. Deep cleaning is warranted if you want to deliver that bed and breakfast feel. Clean the kitchen, bathrooms, and other common areas, like you are getting ready for inspection.

About 95% of bed and breakfast rooms offer a private bath, if you cannot that is okay, just make sure that the shared bathroom is spotlessly clean. Put away any personal items and declutter bathroom shelves if your guest will have to share the bathroom.

Bake something yummy an hour or so before your guests’ arrival to ensure that the house smells warm and welcoming. Cookies are always a great option for giving your home that delicious welcome home scent.

Not a big baker? That’s okay, bakery bought will do just fine. Add a wax melt warmer and some vanilla wax cubes to give the illusion you have been baking all day in anticipation of your guest. Make sure everything is tidy and welcoming and you can start your guest’s stay off on the right foot.

You can create a guest bedroom that feels just like that lovely bed and breakfast everyone has been talking about. Regardless of how much space you have, or how much money you can spend, you can create a guest bedroom that your guests will want to return to time and time again.

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The Importance of Vacationing For Health

Vacations are designed to let someone relax, recharge, and reassess their life goals. There are countless health benefits to going on vacation, whether a healthy vacation is on your list of goals or not.

Most people go on vacation to get away from the stress of work and to spend more time with their family. If you’re interested in experiencing other cultures, booking a plane ticket to a distant country can also be a great way to expand your world view. Some people see this as a way to go on an adventure and grow as a person. After all, navigating a foreign place can be one of the best ways to feel more independent. At the end of the day, however, most vacation goals are designed to help you relax, grow as a person, or become better in some way.

Some people vacation solely for health reasons and put this goal at the forefront of their trip. After all, getting away from the stress of daily life and putting yourself first is a luxury we should all prioritize once in a while. Even if you can’t afford to go to another country, visiting a bed and breakfast in the next town over can help you recharge.

Healthy vacations typically surround a few different themes: relaxing to cope with the stress of daily life; recovering from a surgery; or actively participating in wellness activities while you’re vacationing.

Before we dive into these types of vacation, however, we should talk about how to prepare for a vacation. Here’s what you should know about healthy vacation prep to make the most of your trip.

How to prepare for your healthy vacation

healthy vacation

Preparing for a vacation is often a chore in itself. But you’ll be glad that you put in the extra effort when it’s all said and done. Coming home to a clean home will help make your time spent away all the more relaxing when you’re not worried about a dirty tub or a sink full of dishes.

That being said, here are some of the best ways to prepare for your healthy vacation:

  • Clean your home: As stated above, cleaning your home can help bolster feelings of relaxation on your vacation. You don’t have to clean the baseboards and regrout your bathroom tile; rather, simply cleaning your toilet, sweeping the floor, and vacuuming the rug will help you feel more relaxed when you come home from your trip. Few people want to come home to a pigsty. When you want to get the most out of your vacation, quell your worries and clean house before you leave.
  • Get your documents in order: The last thing you want to forget is your passport when you’re traveling out of the country. If you haven’t already gotten your important documents together, now is the time to do so. Don’t forget your passport, tickets, booking information, and health information, especially if you’re traveling for surgery or another procedure. Health insurance brokers should equip you with the necessary cards and documentation. This is doubly important if you need to bring medical information on your trip.
  • Plan your trip: Do you have am itinerary planned out? If you’re traveling for fun, you’ll want to structure your day to make the most of your trip. Highlight museums, art galleries, and restaurants that you want to visit. If you’re traveling for medical purposes, you’ll still want a basic understanding of what each day will be like. Planning this trip out will also help you remember to pack your favorite books, movies, and activities for when you’re recovering. It doesn’t matter if you’re getting a breast reduction or investing in bone graft surgery: you’ll want plenty of fun things you can do from the comfort of your bed (and breakfast).
  • Pack your clothing in line with your vacation: If you’re traveling for surgery, you’re not going to want to pack high heels and form-fitting dresses. Rather, you’ll want to pack comfortable clothing that doesn’t put pressure on your surgery spots. Consider the types of activities you’ll be doing to direct your packing. When you’ve got the right outfits selected, you should also invest in compression sacks or space-saving bags to make the most of your luggage space.

You can reduce stress by investing in things that you like and lessening your load. Establishing boundaries can help you stop taking on too much at a time. But even adding abstract art artist prints to your office cubicle can help stop the mental drain of working so much.

Traveling, even if you’re seeking out a healthy vacation, isn’t always easy. When you’re trying to prepare for the trip, rely on these tips to help. Now, let’s talk about some of the healthy vacation options you might want to consider this year.

Relaxing and getting away from stress

healthy vacation

This is one of the most popular forms of a healthy vacation. Americans are overworked and devoting 50+ hours a week to your job can drain anyone. When you’re suffering from the deleterious effects of stress, a relaxing, healthy vacation can make all the difference.

Stress has countless negative effects on the body, many of which you might not realize are happening. This is because stress can affect your mind and your body. If you’ve been feeling stressed out for an extended period of time, you might think that feeling exhausted or wrought with headaches is the norm. This simply isn’t the case.

That’s why so many people travel: to reduce stress. Vacationing allows you to reconnect with yourself and shirk responsibilities for a while. One of the major reasons folks go on honeymoons after exchanging wedding bands isn’t just to celebrate their marriage; it’s also to recover from the stress of planning a wedding. If you dove back into work right after your wedding, you might feel more burnt out than the average person.

Why is stress bad though? It isn’t always going to cause negative symptoms. In fact, good stress can encourage you to work harder and perform better. But when stress becomes too much, it can have more than one negative side effect.

Here are some of the negative symptoms of stress you can shirk when you’re considering going on a healthy vacation:

  • Headaches are one of the most debilitating forms of stress. For people who are prone to headaches and migraines, too much stress can even exacerbate these symptoms.
  • Depression and anxiety are common mental health issues associated with stress. This is because stress is known to wear you down emotionally. It can also heighten these feelings in people who already have mental health concerns. You can ease these feelings by investing in things that you like and activities that make you feel good about yourself. The best florists are always equipped with your favorites so don’t be afraid to treat yourself once in a while.
  • Poor sleep occurs when stress causes your mind to race and your body to panic. You might not even know your insomnia was a result of stress if you’re readily tired. But even if you do get to sleep, chronic stress can also cause your quality of sleep to go down. Some careers, like those who have a travel nursing job, might be used to the stress because they’re helping people. But a sudden deadline at work for the average person can mess up your sleep routine in more ways than one.
  • Your immune system can suffer when you’re in a state of near-constant panic. At the end of the day, constant stress weakens your immune system and makes you more likely to suffer from colds and other infections.
  • Low sex drive is another problem with stress. Though having sex can be a great way to relieve stress, a low libido will make this action impossible. This can put additional strain on your relationships and make you feel even more stressed.

Keep in mind that stress can affect everyone differently. As such, seeking out a bed and breakfast or other resort that offers you relaxing activities can be essential. For those who need physical activity to reduce stress, try seeking out options that have an inground pool. Pools are easy on your joints but offer some of the best exercises you can get. If you need more high-intensity workouts, look for hotels with gyms or be sure to seek out hiking spots in the area that you travel to.

healthy vacation

Traveling for surgery

Traveling for surgery has become a popular alternative for Americans who don’t want to spend exorbitant prices at their local hospital. Many other countries — and even other states — will offer more affordable options for some people and some surgeries. So many millions of Americans partake in this type of “vacation” that it even has a name: medical tourism.

After all, there are oral surgeons and cosmetic procedure providers all over the world. Traveling for health is essential if you’re in need of an emergency procedure. But even if you’re looking for a cosmetic option, like investing in a tummy tuck or breast lift surgery, there are many cheaper options if you look hard enough.

Traveling for surgery means that your healthy vacation might vastly different from those who are traveling for fun. You might be able to go on a couple of hikes or check out some of the sites on your way there, but once the surgery takes place, it will be hard to partake in a lot of movement. Even though your vacation is rooted in health, these trips are known to cause a lot of stress during the recovery process. This is doubly stressful if you need to heal up and stay in place before you can attempt to go home. Some people might need to spend up to a month away from home since traveling by plane could mess with your blood pressure and ability to heal.

As such, you should bring a buddy and the aforementioned activities to keep you busy while you’re away from home. Try to choose a location that is known for its food, comfort, and relaxation to feel at ease while you start to heal. Even a visually appealing bed and breakfast can make all the difference when you’re trying to keep your mood up. A bathroom featuring exotic stone tiles will bring a smile to your face more than a simple linoleum option. Getting a location that’s close to your hospital can also make attending check-ups a little easier. In some cases, hotels and bed and breakfasts might even offer discounts for folks who came specifically for a health procedure. While this is rare in the United States, it might be worth looking into before you book your next vacation spot if you’re getting surgery.

Bringing a friend will also help to ensure your needs are met. Even if a hotel has room service, it might be hard to cut your food or even use the bathroom on your own. Bring a close friend, family member, or hired help to ensure that your health needs are met while you’re away from home.

Focusing on wellness

healthy vacation

Many people are also traveling for wellness excursions. They’re either looking into bed and breakfasts that offer spas, massages, and yoga classes or they’re finding options that are close to locations that do.

After all, one of the main reasons people seek out healthy vacations is to relax and unwind. As such, investing in a massage, indulging in healthier meals, and partaking in activities can be a great way to learn more about yourself while healing your body.

It’s not uncommon for westerners to visit eastern countries for this exact reason. Traveling gives you the ability to slow down and take in someone else’s perspective. When you’re tired of the rise and grind of New York City, visiting the countryside in Japan can help you feel more connected to yourself and tradition.

Focusing on wellness is a top New Year’s resolution for many people. Sometimes, all it takes is completely spinning your regular routine on its head. With all the wellness activities you’re taking part in, one or two will likely stick. When you integrate these habits into your regular routine, this type of wellness trip is more than worth it.

Healthy vacations

At its core, most vacations rely on some form of wellness. Whether you’re trying to stress less, get surgery, or integrate new healthy habits into your daily life, going on vacation can be vital to your health.


A Guide To Housekeeping And Pest Control At Your Bed And Breakfast

Pests can be a nightmare for most homeowners, as they deteriorate your home and bring diseases. Most people are unaware they have pests in their homes until it’s too late. Luckily, you can book pest control online and let them exterminate all the rats and cockroaches in your home.

You definitely want to invest in pest control service that your home deserves. A pest control service can eradicate all signs of nests and pests in your home, even those hidden around your attic and basement. Moreover, a bi monthly pest control will ensure there are no signs of plagues or other unwanted animals on your property.

Exterminators and pest control services are available online. Don’t hesitate to hire a pest control book online and let them know about your problem. Moreover, you can ask an exterminator online about any question regarding the service or how to deal with pests in your home.

Your property might seem clean and safe from the outside, but you might be unaware of the hidden threat that lurks in your basement or attic. Call an exterminator for a quick checkup service and see if you are a victim of mice or cockroaches. That way, you can get these unwanted guests out of your home.

Do you take great pride in running a wonderful bed and breakfast and are motivated to give your visitors a memorable stay? Well, maintaining a clean and pest-free environment is crucial for the success of your establishment. After all, a happy guest is a returning guest, right?

However, you likely have questions if you are unfamiliar with pest control. For instance, you might wonder, “Which is the best pest exterminators tool? Or have you been searching for a pest control book online?
The last thing you want is for your guests to run into uninvited creepy crawlies. Therefore, to effectively manage pests, you should either get the best terminator bug spray or, perhaps more importantly, seek the assistance of a reputable pest control company.

In this article, we’ll cover essential pest control do’s and don’ts to guide you in creating a pest-free environment. We’ll also give tips and tactics to stop pests from becoming unwelcome guests at your bed and breakfast. So grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and explore the wonderful world of keeping a spotless and pest-free oasis for your cherished visitors. Let’s get started!

There is no denying that pest control is very important, particularly if you are currently dealing with a pest infestation. Whether you are dealing with rats, cockroaches, or spiders, this is something that can severely diminish people’s quality of life in their home or office building. This is why if you are dealing with a pest problem, you want to make sure that you call the best exterminator who is available so that they can take care of it. This way, you can remove the pests from your building and return to a life where you do not have to worry about bugs or rodents.

If you do not have a lot of experience with pest control, it is possible that you have questions. For example, you might wonder, who are the best professionals that I can call if I am in need of bee extermination services? Who provides the best discount pest control near me? Is there an exterminator for termites near me? What is the average exterminator guarantee that I can expect? What should I expect in terms of the exterminator payment plan? Most of the time, if you actually talk to an exterminator, he or she will be able to answer these questions for you.

A bed and breakfast is typically an all-seasons business, which means you can enjoy profits throughout the year. However, that also means there are also continuous problems you have to deal with. For instance, you have to consider which annual pest control measures you need to put in place to keep your bed and breakfast visitor-friendly.

Your first steps may involve looking for pest control companies nearby or simply typing things like discount pest control near me. You may even be looking for an affordable exterminator payment plan so you don’t go out of budget trying to keep the creepy crawlies away from your customers.

However, it’s important to first understand what pest control entails in relation to your hospitality business. That means you have to factor things like interior housekeeping and exterior housekeeping when deciding the best way to maintain cleanliness and keep hygiene top-notch.

The good news is, this article helps you define pest control, so you can quickly figure out the measures you need to put in place when dealing with things like bed bugs, termites, and rodents.

UPDATED 11/20/20

Running a bed and breakfast is no easy matter. While visitors come to a bed and breakfast for a relaxing getaway, it’s a lot of work and dedication for the owner. They’re making sure everything is handled in the background so guests can fully enjoy their stay. If you’re getting ready to open your own bed and breakfast, you need to be prepared ahead of time with an action plan for housekeeping and a pest control service agreement at your location. Cleanliness is one of the most important elements for guests. This basic guide will give you the information you need to create a plan for your specific location.

Interior Housekeeping

Before guests start checking in, there’s a lot of cleaning and preparation that needs to happen. Here are the main areas of your bed and breakfast you should ensure are in tip-top shape.


Guests want a clean room, plain and simple. Make sure that every element of the room is clean and ready so your guest can feel at ease during their stay.

  • Ensure that the sheets are always cleaned and changed between guests. White sheets help guests feel more at ease with the cleanliness levels.
  • Dust any surfaces and vacuum the floors and rugs. You will want to hire out flooring services to come deep clean your carpet and rugs every so often to make sure they get any deep dirt cleaned out.
  • Check to make sure all trash is cleaned out and that there is nothing left behind by other guests before a new guest checks in.
  • Reorganize any decorations or items that stay in the room for the guests, such as a welcome letter, tv remotes, and books or magazines.
  • Place clean towels in the guest room, especially if there is a shared bathroom.


Over 90% of bed and breakfasts have rooms with their own private bathrooms attached. Whether your bed and breakfast offers this, it’s extremely important that you give the bathroom a thorough clean before any new guests check-in.

  • Make sure that the bathroom is dry and humidity-free before new guests come. If your bathrooms have poor ventilation, talk with a pest control company about different pest control service agreement options to ensure that you don’t have issues with pests due to the moisture.
  • Clean the toilet and replace toilet paper if it’s low. Make sure additional toilet paper is within close reach of the toilet.
  • Provide extra soaps, shampoos, and gels in case your guest forgets to bring their own.
  • Additional amenities, such as a hairdryer, makeup removers, or toothbrushes and toothpaste are a great addition to the bathroom area.

Exterior Housekeeping

Landscaping is a part of housekeeping that can be easily forgotten. While you may be more concerned about the cleanliness inside your bed and breakfast, it’s the curb appeal that could deter potential guests from coming in. Invest time in landscape design and installation, such as installing water features, planting new shrubs or flowers, and keeping the lawn mowed and weed-free.

If you have a garden on your property, whether flower or vegetable, you may want to talk with a pest control company about a pest control service agreement that could keep pesky pests from chewing up your plants. If it’s a flower garden, pay attention during the pollination season. If your guests spend time in the garden and bees become a hazard, you may want to contact bee control services to ensure they’re safely removed from your property.

If your property runs on a septic tank, make sure you stay on top of having it serviced and hiring a team to perform contaminated material removal. The last thing you want is to have an issue with the plumbing or a backup causing your property to stink.

Pest Control

Many houses will develop issues with mice and other household pests at some point. Even the people who keep their houses very clean might eventually need to contact a mice and roach exterminator. People who are looking for pest control service professionals should usually be able to find plenty of options locally because it’s a service that so many people need.

Modern pest control services can potentially help people address issues with a wide range of different household pests. They might offer skunk removal services, for instance. A skunk may not be a house hold pest specifically, but people can have issues with skunks in their yards. They might have similar issues with gophers and moles.

People who have only seen one single mouse around the house shouldn’t assume that it’s the only one. This is also certainly the case with pests like roaches and ants. In many cases, if one of these animal pests has become visible, it’s probably part of a larger group that has otherwise successfully stayed hidden.

The people who work with pest control services can stop household mice and roach populations from expanding. When people ignore pest problems, those issues will usually become more obvious and difficult to solve.

Pest control is an important matter for any homeowner, but especially for someone using a home as a bed and breakfast. With so many different people visiting, there is a lot more traffic coming in and out of the home. This increase in traffic inevitably means that there will be a higher chance of someone bringing a pest into the home with them. It’s a smart idea to invest in a pest control service agreement to have a professional team taking precautionary measures each month to prevent pests, but you’ll need to do your own work as well. Here are some of the top pests you’ll have to prevent and how you can keep them out of your bed and breakfast.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are the worst fear for any hospitality business. One incident of bed bugs could mean negative reviews that keep visitors away for months, even after the pests are handled. While the most important thing to do is take preventative measures to keep bed bugs from ever popping up in your bed and breakfast, you also need to be prepared with an action plan for what to do if they do make an appearance. If you are concerned about the possibility of bed bugs in your bed and breakfast, it may be time to talk to a pest control company about a pest control service agreement.

When working to prevent bed bugs, these are some of the number one tips you need to put in practice:

  • Use protective covers on mattresses and box springs. There are plastic covers that are designed specifically to prevent bedbugs.
  • Wash sheets with the hottest water setting and a strong soap.
  • Make sure to vacuum carpets and rugs often.
  • You can also try using essential oils when cleaning the mattresses. Peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender specifically are great for repelling bed bugs.
  • Make sure rooms stay free of clutter. Leaving garbage or clutter in rooms for a prolonged amount of time will attract pests of all kinds. It also creates a place for bed bugs to hide.

If you’ve discovered that you have bed bugs at your bed and breakfast, you’ll need to take quick and thorough action to get rid of them.

  • The first step is to remove all bedding and linens and wash them in the hottest water possible. You’ll also want to dry them on the highest setting.
  • andnbsp;
  • Take the mattresses and box springs out of the rooms and scrub them with a stiff brush, especially around the seams. This will loosen any bedbugs and their eggs.
  • Vacuum your mattresses, box springs, and the surrounding area. Once you vacuum, immediately dispose of the contents and leave your vacuum in a large garbage bag or outside if possible.
  • Wrap your mattresses and box springs in an airtight bag for an extended amount of time. This will suffocate any lingering bed bugs.

Bed bug removal is an intense process, but if you go about it thoroughly, you’ll have the peace of mind in knowing that you got rid of all the pests. You may want to consider investing in a pest control service agreement to deter any future outbreaks.


Termites are an issue especially for bed and breakfasts that are older. They can be found in dry wood in the foundation, door frames, and window frames in your home. Even if you don’t own an older house, you should check periodically for the tell-tale signs of termites every so often.

Termites can cause extensive, expensive damage and it’s much better to find them sooner and hire termite treatment services or invest in a pest control service agreement before the damage gets too bad. Here are some signs of termites you should keep an eye out for:

  1. Noise: Colonies of termites have different jobs. The “soldier” termites will bang their heads against the wood to warn the other termites of danger. This is a sound that you can often hear. The worker termites chew up the wood, and if you put your ear up against a door frame where they’re eating, you can also hear that.
  2. Flying Termites: Another telltale sign of termites are the flying variety. They are the termites that have left the colony to start their own. As soon as you see flying termites you need to act fast to prevent more colonies starting in your own home. This is the time to talk with a pest control company about a pest control service agreement.
  3. Hollow Sounding Wood: Wood that has been chewed out by termites will sound hollow. If you knock on a door frame or window frame and it seems to echo, you may have a termite problem.
  4. Splintering Wood: After the termites have hollowed out the wood they’re infesting, it will crack and split much easier. If you find that door or window frames are breaking much easier than they should, that could be another sign.


Rodents are one of the most obvious kinds of pest, and if they enter your bed and breakfast, it’s likely your guests will see them or hear them fairly quickly. However, because they are bigger and more obvious, you’ll also be aware sooner that you have an issue and be able to deal with it. Of course, the objective is to prevent rodents from getting into your home. However, if they do, you’ll need the help of an exterminator and will want to work with a pest control company to set up a pest control service agreement to prevent them in the future. Here are some tips you can use to take preventative measures:

  • Seal cracks and holes in the wall, especially close to the ground. Mice and rats can slip in through surprisingly small spaces.
  • Ensure that food is always cleaned up as soon as possible. Food and crumbs sitting out is the number one thing that attracts rodents.
  • Keep your attic and basement well ventilated and dry.
  • Don’t store firewood directly against your house. This is a spot rodents like to hide and breed and the closer it is to your home, the higher the chance they’ll get in.
  • Install a screen or vent in your chimney to keep them from entering there.

General Pest Control Tips

Aside from bedbugs, termites, and rodents, there are a variety of other pests that can wreak havoc on your bed and breakfast. Here are a few general pest control tips you should put to practice at your home.

  • Damp spaces are a breeding ground for pests. Ensure that any leaks are fixed and dried up quickly. Don’t let water accumulate overnight. If you discover a place where water has been leaking for some time, contact a plumber to fix the leak and check for any molding to see if you need help with mold remediation.
  • Places with a lot of clutter, such as attics, basements, closets, or pantries are where pests like to hide and breed. Keep clutter cleared as much as possible. Keep things off the ground in closets and pantries.
  • Learn about the pest control options in your area. A pest control service agreement will give you a lot of peace of mind knowing you have that extra layer of professional care and help.
  • Before bringing boxes or packages into your home, check to make sure no pests are getting a free ride.

In Conclusion

Running a bed and breakfast is a lot of work. The marketing and business side is enough to keep an owner busy all day, but if you’re doing the housekeeping as well, you’ll have a lot on your hands. Having a clear action plan for housekeeping and pest control will help you to be more effective in your efforts. Taking Ativan you just realize that all the worries do not bother you anymore. They do not cause the usual irritability, resentment and sadness, as before. You look at them differently. Well, yes, there is a difficult period in my life but this is ok, it will be better soon. It gave me the effect, which I always wanted to achieve from sedatives-inner peace and harmony. Read more at Make sure you always keep everything clean and talk with a local pest control company about a pest control service agreement to have an extra level of protection for your house. If you follow these suggestions for housekeeping you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful plan for your own location.


Easy to Follow Remodeling Tips and Tricks For Your Bed and Breakfast Makeover

UPDATED 11/20/20

If you are the owner of an old bed and breakfast and you are ready to roll up those sleeves and get some remodeling done, these remodeling tips and tricks can go a long way in making your projects come together easier. Remodeling has quickly moved from a necessity to one of America’s favorite pastimes.

Many homeowners look at remodeling as a hobby. They actively seek out remodeling tips and tricks to get project ideas, easy hacks, and to save on costs. Fair warning, these remodeling tips and tricks can lead to an obsession with remodeling projects and DIY projects around your home.

Remodeling Tips and Tricks And Where To Start

For any home, the owner wants it to look great and to be comfortable and convenient. With the many recent trends in home design, there are always a few projects that you can do to remodel all or part of a room. Getting home remodel design ideas is a good first step to doing any remodeling. Walking through your home and making a home remodel list is a great way to make decisions about exactly what you want to get done in your home. Seeing new houses and what they look like inside can help you with your home remodel inspiration. Looking at current house listings will let you see the latest trends.

Whether it is fencing for the backyard or you want to update your laundry room, you will start with the same process. Two things make it easier to get the results that you are hoping for: having the right tools and supplies on hand, and proper planning.

There is nothing worse than having to stop what you are doing and run to the store to get more materials or because you do not have the right tool to complete the task. Of course, the next question is how do you ensure that you have the right tools, and materials. You do all the planning that needs to be done before you ever get started.

Learning what you need to know about the project that you plan will give you the information that you need to ensure that you have the right tools and materials and that you are ready to go. Lists are very valuable tools in your remodeling projects.

Before you get started make a list of all the materials you will need, and all the tools you will need. Using your materials and tools list can be an easy way to compare pricing. You can do your price comparisons right online. You will be amazed how the pricing can vary between stores.

home remodel list

One of the best remodeling tips and tricks for newbies is to order slightly more material than you think you will need. If it turns out you do not need the extra materials you can always return them, but it is always better to have more than you need than to find you cannot finish your project because you do not have enough materials.

Here are some other remodeling tips and tricks for the earliest stages of your project:

  • Follow the old adage “measure twice cut once”. When you are ordering materials for a deck, for example. You should measure the space where the deck will be installed at least twice, and do your material calculations at least twice just to ensure there are no mathematical errors.
  • Finish what you start before you start again. It is important to develop the habit of starting a project and seeing it to completion before you start another project. It can be easy to get sidetracked and never finish anything.
  • Make sure you have enough help. Some projects are truly DIY. You can do them completely alone, other projects will require more hands-on-deck to get done safely.

Your planning stage is one of the most important stages of any project, be sure that you take the time to properly plan your project, and you will get the results that you hope for.

Remodeling Tips and Tricks for Cutting Costs

Remodeling costs can start to stack up, but there are things that you can do that can help you to keep costs down. Some of the best remodeling tips and tricks are focused on how you can manage your budget and get more bang for your buck.

What are some of the ways you can make remodeling more affordable? Do a lot of the work yourself. Labor costs can be excruciating and raise the cost of your entire project greatly. Taking some of the work on yourself can be a great way to cut costs, but you do have to do some math to make sure that the savings is worth the effort.

Some projects are best left to professionals like heating and cooling installations and repairs. Unless you have an HVAC background it is best to call in an expert to take care of your heating and cooling needs.

In many cases you can do at least part of the job. For example, while hiring a trusted exterminator is not technically part of a remodeling project, it is important to keep pests out of the way. You can have an exterminator do an initial pest control application, then you can keep up with the pest control on your own.

Of course, even with pest control, there are times that it will warrant keeping that service going like for bed bug control services. You should balance out the value against the savings. For example, it can be cheaper to do pest control on your own, but you have to consider how effective DIY pest control is before you decide to take on the work. In this case, DIY is likely not the best value, especially if your guests find bed bugs in their rooms.

Let’s look at another example. Let’s say your yard is overgrown. You have great trees but they have not been trimmed in a long time. Professional tree trimming for the first trim in years is a good option. Then you can keep up on the trees by periodically trimming them yourself. You will get off to a good start, and it will be easier to keep your trees looking great.

Many contractors will work with you when it comes to a split project, but be aware that some will not because of liability. Of course, you have the option of only working with contractors that are willing to provide you the support that you need, and agree to take on projects where you do part of the work.

Another of the remodeling tips and tricks that are focused on how you can save money on your projects is to supply the materials to the contractor. Some contractors will install your materials, and, some will not, again because of liability issues.

However, you should always do some research to see if it is cheaper for you to buy the materials, or if it is cheaper for the contractor to supply them. For example, if you are hiring a landscaper that specializes in landscape design, you may be able to buy things that you want to incorporate in the design for less than what the landscape company will charge you.

Take advantage of off-season specials. For example, at the end of the growing season, you will find plenty of perennial plants, outdoor furniture, and other outdoor landscaping materials cut drastically in price. Buy what you can now, and next spring you will have a jump on things for less.

Look for special discounts. A nationwide home improvement store offers discounts to military members, first responders, senior citizens, and teachers. Shop where you can take advantage of special discounts.

Consider buying materials that have been gently used. Cabinetry, countertops, and other materials are often posted in online sales sites. With a little work you can typically restore these items to like-new condition at a tremendous savings.

Any savings is good savings. You do have to put a little effort into finding ways to save but it is well worth the effort.

Use These Remodeling Tips and Tricks to Fund Your Remodeling

How will you fund your remodeling project? This question is the elephant in the room that needs to be addressed. Sure, you can run up your credit cards, or finance those water coolers that you want for every room in the house, but there may be an easier way to find the funding that you need.

home remodel design ideas

Consider raising the money for your remodeling project by selling off some of the things you already have and do not use. For example, that antique vase that Aunt Bertha gave you as a wedding gift that is sitting in the attic could bring in a couple of hundred dollars. While the rustic, homey vibe often comes hand in hand with a bed and breakfast, it doesn’t always have to. If you’re remodeling already, consider modernizing the space. Depending on your market, this may even help you in the long run.

Bring that vase to an antique appraiser that can give you an idea of what the value is, then list it for sale in one of the online sales sites. You will be surprised by the amount of money you can raise by selling things you don’t use much anyway.

Don’t stop with the vase. Take a look around your house and list:

  • Clothing you do not use anymore
  • Sports equipment
  • Electronics and more

Clean out the attic, the garage, and your closets, and list everything for sale that you plan on discarding. Generating any amount of extra money will help to pay for your remodeling.

You also can sell off the things that you are going to replace in your home. For example, if your remodeling project includes new kitchen cabinets, then let the contractor know you plan on reselling the cabinets before they start the demolition.

One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Sell off everything that you remove from your home. Lighting fixtures, plumbing fixtures, cabinetry, and more can all be listed for sale. Even scrap lumber can be sold off.

For every hundred dollars you make, that is a hundred dollars less that has to go on the credit card or be a part of the financing. Selling off materials that you are not using, and other goods is a great way to finance your next project.

Other ways you can drum up financing for your project include:

  • Save for it. Instead of financing your next project, open a savings account, and make payments to yourself every month. You can quickly save money for your next project and not have to pay interest using this method. Let’s say new flooring will run you about $3,000. The monthly payments would be $250 broken out over 5 years. Pay yourself $300 a month and in less than a year you would have the money you need.
  • Take out a home equity line of credit. Tap into the equity you have in your home. These types of lines of credit are a great option because you do not have to use all the credit is available. You can use just the part that you need.
  • Ask contractors and suppliers what type of financing they have to offer. Many contractors offer their own financing plans to make remodeling more affordable. Sometimes you can find lower rates, and better terms through a contractor than you can with other financing options.

Obviously, it is always best if you do not have to tap those credit cards or take on other forms of debt to get your remodeling project done, but if you have no other options, be sure to weigh your financing options carefully. You do not want to be stuck paying for a fence for years after it has outlived its lifespan.

It’s a Marathon Not a Sprint

For many homeowners, there is always something that they would like to change or do to their home. Most homeowners agree that just when you think you are done remodeling there is something new that comes up that you want to get done.

It is important that you keep in mind that remodeling is a marathon, not a sprint. In other words, rushing to get it all done in an unreasonable amount of time, sucks the joy out of the process. Slow and steady really does win the race when it comes to remodeling.

One of the key remodeling tips and tricks are to do what is necessary for the safety of your home first, then move on to the things that make your home more comfortable, and then consider all the aesthetic things you want to change.

For example, parking for businesses is vital to that business. However, your driveway, while it may need some work, can wait if your roof needs repairs. You have to be able to distinguish between what remodeling has to be done, and what remodeling you want to get done.

One of the most important remodeling tips and tricks you should know is that enjoying the process is as important as the results. Taking your time and evaluating your choices, and destressing as you move through your list is critical to the experience. You do not want to end up hating your home because it takes up so much of your time. Take a break in between projects, rest, and enjoy the progress that you have made.

When you are looking at starting a whole home remodeling project, there are many things that you are going to need to consider. Whether you are doing at home remodeling on your own or are working with a professional contractor or designer you need to be on the lookout for awesome remodeling ideas that you can be inspired by. These sources of inspiration can come from many different sources and in many different ways. Home and renovation ideas abound in print and online materials and the best home renovation magazine and website content can be the perfect way to find the look you want for your home. Combining personal inspiration and interests with awesome remodeling ideas from other expert sources is a great way to get a look that is uniquely your own. A whole home remodeling project is a great way to increase the value and appeal of your home. Home and renovation projects can be anything you want or need them to be so take the opportunity to make your house into a home with at home remodeling ideas from the best home renovation magazine and website sources today!

When you know what you want to do to your home, you can contact home redesign companies to get construction services. A contractor will meet with you to talk about what you want to do and what kind of materials it will take. This is also when you can get price quotes on the remodeling job. Once you decide on a contractor, the work can begin when they schedule it. It might be a couple of weeks or just a day or two before they can get to your home.

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15 Tips for Opening a Successful BnB

Traveling and peace of mind go hand in hand. In fact, in the United States, roughly 96% of Americans say vacation time is important to them. This is for good reason! It takes a lot of hard work and accumulated hours to be able to save up for a vacation. When people go on vacation, chances are they want to stay in only the best hotels, inns, getaways, and most importantly bed and breakfasts!

What is a BnB?

The acronym BnB might sound familiar to you, as it is part of the name of the now popular Air BnB service. Air BnB accommodates travelling visitors by allowing them to stay in a host’s home and set up accommodations cheaper than traditional hotels. But a traditional bnb, or bed and breakfast, is just as good, cheap, and can create a great experience for tourists if ran by a good owner. If you’re thinking about opening a bnb, don’t be discouraged by new air bnb’s, as these are less popular with certain crowds and also carry risks of their own. For one, an air bnb might be prone to strangers that are utilizing the app to lure people in. Air bnb’s might also lead people to stay in less than desirable areas and housing that can be dangerous. A traditional bnb is a viable business that you can open up, and can last you for decades to come. Opening a bnb requires dedication, passion, hard work, income, and most importantly the desire to offer only the best customer service. If you’re thinking of opening a bnb, these are 15 tips to help get your passion fired up.

1. Location Location Location

The most important aspect of opening a bnb is the location of your future business. Without a great location, you can be sure you will have no tourism, no visitors, and therefore make very little to no money. It’s highly essential that you are familiar with the customer service industry before opening a bnb, and also be familiar with the location you are opening up a bnb in. Does it have visitors year-round? Will it be visible to others? Is it in a desirable area or tucked away? Your location will make or break your business.

2. Do Market Research

Tied into your location is the market research that goes behind opening a bnb. If you don’t already know, marketing research is the gathering of information on visitors, current products or services and their competitors, and the overall success of the market in the current time. For example, due to COVID-19, the market behind hotels and other travel luxury businesses are suffering. But once travelling and tourism opens up again, so will the market for bnb’s, hotels and other travel goods. It’s important to do extensive market research to find out the average rate customers are charged, what makes a bnb in your particular area successful, and if there’s a need in the market for a change. For instance, to customers want custom pools? Bigger or cozier rooms? All these questions can be answered through customer surveys, internet research, and one on one conversations with other bnb owners.

3. Get a Business Loan

After you’re sure you know the location of where you want your BnB, have done extensive research and know you’re in the right business, it’s time to consider business loan options. Business loans and mortgages for commercial businesses are vastly different than personal loans or home mortgages. Luckily, talking to a professional banker, real estate agent, and other professionals in the business financing fields can help you understand your options for a business loan. In addition, you must also sit down with an accountant to go over finances and learn how much is a good amount to take out in a loan.

4. Research Zoning

Before you make any big decisions on how to build your bnb (if you’re building it from the ground up), or move any further into opening a bnb, it’s important you understand zoning. Zoning varies from county to county, and includes the amount of rooms you’re allows to open, how big or small your bnb can be, and various other factors. Research zoning laws withing your local county before opening a bnb. Failure to do so can result in fines, and worst of all complete closure and loss of your business.

5. Design your Look with Furniture

Once you have the technical aspects out of the way, you can begin to start considering what look you want your bnb to have. Do you want rustic window shutters, or sleek modern class window panes? Should your lobby look like a grand ballroom or have a modern air? The look, design, and furniture choices of your bnb should all take into account your previous marketing research as well. Consider what people you want to attract to your bnb, and how your look can help with that.

6. Hire the Best Staff

The customer service business is nothing without great, friendly staff. Hiring the best staff is essential when opening a bnb, and failure to do so can cause your visitors to never want to come back. Do a thorough interview and vetting process, along with accurate backgrounds to ensure you have only the best concierge, wait staff, and other employees at your bnb.

7. Conduct Thorough Maintenance/Inspections

Opening a bnb can be exciting and fun, but it’s important to not overlook even the most boring, but important, parts of the business. For example, conducting maintenance such as roofing services and plumbing services before opening can save you, and your guests, a headache of problems later on. In addition, proper maintenance must be done on all fire safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, exists, and alarms.

Failing to do proper inspections and maintenance on these items can cause your business to be open to liability and lawsuits if a guest were to be injured! You might want to rely on the help of industrial roofing contractors to ensure your roofing is in line with industry standards.

8. Get all Proper Licensing

Like the maintenance of air conditioners, rewiring, and other less luxurious aspects of opening a bnb, proper licensing is also vital. If you’re operating as a bnb, chances are you also have food being served in your bnb. Talk to your local state, county, and city officials to ensure you have all appropriate licenses before opening a bnb, and make sure you keep these licenses up to date. If you let a license lapse, it could mean an immediate shut down.

9. Set Up Policies

Once you’ve successfully established your bnb, it’s important to start setting up policies for guests that include contracts, deposits, rates, rules and regulations while staying at your bnb. For example, that ac installation took a lot of money to do, what if a guests damages the ac unit? Is there visitors allowed in a guest’s room? How many days before cancellations are non-refundable? It’s important to draw up all these policies and ensure you are legally covered before even thinking about inviting your first guest into your bnb.

10. Factor in Food and other Expenses

As you might have guests from the name, a bed and breakfast usually offers food along with their guest’s stay. A popular option for hotels is the continental breakfast, which usually consists of simple finger foods, pre-made bakery goods, fruits, and an assortment of hot items and beverages. But, will you also be offering lunch and dinner? Will there be a full restaurant or room service allowed? If you decide to make food a bigger aspect of your bnb, consider what the costs of this new food might be, and how you will go about paying for it. Also, make sure you hire the best cooks that practice good safety techniques, as the taste and quality of your dishes will have a huge impact on your business (for better or worse).

11. Set-Up a Website

It’s important to stay current with the times, and keep up with technological trends of the travel industry. For this reason, having a website is the bare minimum you should do when opening a bnb. For one, a website can allow guests to easily view pictures of your bnb, look at reviews, and even book a room and price their stay. You can also consider using a third-party outlet, such as Expedia or Travelocity to have your guests book a suite. Whatever you decide, it’s important that your website be trendy as well. A good design, color scheme, and layout will make it easier for guests to navigate through all your services and accommodation packages, as well as encourage them to book a stay with you without any fuss.

12. Advertise Heavily

It’s important when opening a bnb to advertise your bnb heavily through billboards, your website, flyers, and more importantly social media. All these outlets have the potential to garner attention, but social media is much more interactive and popular with guests today. It’s always a good idea to hire a professional social media promoter, have an in-house photographer to take stunning pictures of your bnb, and seek the help of graphic designers to help advertise your bnb. Ask yourself, what image of the bnb do I want my guests to see? What brand should the bnb have, and how can social media be used to my advantage? Social media, when used correctly, has the power to make customers relate to a business or brand, follow-up on it, and encourage them to visit and re-visit your business. Billboards, flyers, and advertisements through TV or radio can also be helpful. Consider hiring a PR person to help you in your marketing endeavors as well.

13. Consider Hosting Events

It might not be enough to have stellar food, great customer service, and a good location when opening a bnb. Sometimes, hosting events can add a significant amount of revenue to your business, so consider hosting events throughout the year. Weddings, parties, dance-halls, and even prom nights are all good events to consider. Once you decide on hosting events, consider the costs for these as well. For instance, will you need to pay for in order to give a bride their dream outdoor wedding? Will your venue provide a DJ, seating and food? Event planning is an entire different field of its own, but with a little research and dedication, hosting events at your bnb might just be the turning point for your business.

14. Allow for Customer Feedback

When opening a bnb, you’ll want to hear as much customer feedback as possible. With new sites such as Yelp, Google Reviews, even Youtube, customers are gaining more and more power with their voice. Giving customers the option to give you feedback can help you in understanding what your business might need improvements on. For example, did they love the jet ski activities you offered, or were they too dangerous? Was there a bed bug problem you didn’t know about? Rude customer service? On the other hand, great customer feedback will make your business all the more stronger and desirable to future guests.

15. Consider Selling/Buying other Properties

Opening a bnb has some setbacks initially. Overhead costs, getting your business known to customers, and finding a steady stream of visitors or events can be frustrating, and cause you to lose hope quickly. Understand that opening a bnb and having it be profitable takes time. Selling your bnb, on the other hand, or buying more than one bnb property can make it easier for you to make money overtime, however. When selling your property or buying new property, talk to a trusted real estate agent for all the details on prices, the market, and other valuable insight. Consider possible remodeling you might have to do, such as bathroom remodeling service or furniture replacement.

Bnb is a Lifestyle

Putting work into a business is never easy, especially a hospitality business dealing with loads of customers who can be angry and rude. However, having the passion to give the best customer service, have your bnb be the greatest in town, and ensuring you give your customers a vacation to remember can help you get through the tough times. Being in the hospitality business is a lifestyle, but can be well worth it and lead to you being the proud owner of the oldest, most successful bnb in town.

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Four Things You Need To Consider When Running A Bed And Breakfast

Running a bed and breakfast can be remarkably difficult, but there’s a reason why it remains a major dream for a lot of Americans. The fact is that operating a bed and breakfast offers you a good deal of freedom. Bed and breakfast owners get to run their own businesses, which allows them to have some measure of control over their own success. For that matter, a bed and breakfast is a remarkably personal business.

Many people convert their own homes into bed and breakfast businesses, while others spend years seeking out the right property to renovate and convert into a bed and breakfast. One of the reasons why people seek out bed and breakfasts rather than typical chain hotels is that they find a unique experience there. It’s homier, and each room is different. Rather than getting some stale continental breakfast, they’re served by the owner, someone they’ll be able to get to know and become familiar with.

Travelers have a limited about of vacation time; and it’s probably no surprise that 96% of Americans report that their vacation time is important to them. So it’s really no wonder that a lot of people would like to spend that time at a place as unique as a bed and breakfast if they can. Therefore, there’s a lot of opportunity for you to make your bed and breakfast dream come true.

With that being said, running any small business is challenging. This is perhaps even more true for those who want to run a bed and breakfast. Because as many advantages as there are to running a very personal business, there’s also a chance that the qualities you like will not appeal to other people.

It’s important to evaluate what you can do to make your bed and breakfast succeed. If your small business is struggling, you should try to do whatever is possible to improve it, and when it comes to hospitality-related businesses, there are fortunately a lot of options. Let’s look into what you can do to make operating a bed and breakfast easier, and to create a business that will both attract customers and fulfill you personally.

1. Create A Maintenance Schedule

It’s easy to get caught up in the fun, or theoretical fun, of operating a bed and breakfast. However, if you fall behind on the practical aspects of maintaining a bed and breakfast, it will stop being fun very quickly. Maintaining a bed and breakfast is a lot like maintaining a house, as at their most basic levels most bed and breakfasts are based within large houses. However, due to the fact that they’re constantly being visited by new guests, these buildings can undergo more stress and damage than the average home.

For that matter, while you can personally put up with certain quirks in your home, guests will be a lot less tolerant of issues within a bed and breakfast. They paid for the stay, and they’ll be sure to reflect it their dissatisfaction through online reviews if you’ve neglected your leaky roof. Therefore, you should set up a structured maintenance schedule in order to make sure that you don’t neglect any of the wear and tear your bed and breakfast might sustain over time.

A great thing about structuring your maintenance in this sense is that it can make it easier for you to build professional relationships with local maintenance companies. For example, it will be a lot easier for you to avoid your roof developing a leak if you work with a reliable roofing contractor who can not only provide the regular roofing services that you need, but also advise you when it comes time to replace your roof. Often, small businesses are able to get better rates on services than residential homeowners would precisely because their service providers understand the value that comes with repeat business.

If your service providers understand that you’re going to need certain inspections on a regular basis, you’ll probably be able to save money in the long term. Of course, it’s not enough to simply structure a schedule. You also need to immediately address any issues that crop up, without delay. When operating a bed and breakfast, it’s your responsibility to not only take care of yourself, but others.

2. Improve The Exterior

The first thing anyone is going to notice about your bed and breakfast is its exterior: that is, the appearance of the building itself as well as the appearance of the surrounding landscape. The same can be said when potential guests look at your bed and breakfast online. It’s important when operating a bed and breakfast, to present a clean, positive, and inviting aesthetic to potential guests. Of course, your bed and breakfast’s exterior needs to connect with the interior as well.

This way, guests can have an immersive experience that will allow them to not only relax but enjoy the bed and breakfast to its fullest extent. There is a lot of effort that goes into maintaining the exterior of your business, and you should treat it just as seriously as you decorating the interior. You’ll want to work closely with a commercial landscaping company, and take their advice regarding how you can best maintain your lawn and garden.

The first thing to ensure is that your exterior looks clean and professional; make sure that the paint job is consistently refreshed and that the exterior itself is power-washed on a regular basis. It would be easy for your gutters to become cluttered over time, and therefore gutter repairs should become a part of exterior maintenance.

Your windows will need to be regularly wiped and washed, and you may also need to replace them more frequently than you perhaps would for your own personal home. Some windows are more energy-efficient than others, and as your energy bills, as a bed and breakfast owner will be relatively high, you’ll want to cut down on them wherever you can.

You should consult with window manufacturers about how best to ensure that hot or cool air doesn’t escape the building any more than it absolutely has to. This will also equal less strain being placed upon the building’s heating and cooling systems. Ultimately, you’ll both be boosting your home’s curb appeal and making it more manageable overall.

3. Create A Relaxing Backyard

It can make the interior of the bed and breakfast somewhat busy and overwhelming at times. This means that you should use your resources in order to create a relaxing space outside. This will of course factor somewhat into the curb appeal of your bed and breakfast.

But it’s a good idea to put some of that work into the backyard specifically, which may be somewhat less visible depending on how your bed and breakfast is set up on the road, but will also be important to your guests. You’ll still want to consult with a landscaper, and invest in regular garden maintenance like shrub trimming and appealing plants. Yet more goes into creating a relaxing backyard space for guests.

For one thing, you should think about the different kinds of features that you can add to the backyard. You’ll of course want furniture wherein guests can sit back and enjoy the scenery. This could come in the form of a deck or patio. Why not add in candles, or perhaps a water feature to creating a more calming atmosphere?

Nobody has ever disliked a serene pond or waterfall. With that being said, water features, as well as pools and hot tubs, may come with specific regulations depending on where you live. You’ll want to make sure that appropriate barriers are available, and that guests visiting with children are advised.

Another popular addition to a bed and breakfast’s backyard is a pergola. A pergola is both aesthetically appealing and allows some respite from the shade and heat. You may want to get in touch with a professional contractor in order to seek out options in terms of custom pergolas.

This can offer a route through which you’re able to make your pergola match the overall aesthetic of your bed and breakfast and its interior. There aren’t any specific ways in which you have to customize your bed and breakfast’s exterior, and specifically its backyard. It’s more about creating the type of sense that you really enjoy personally.

4. Remodel The Interior

If you already are operating a bed and breakfast, you should keep an eye on the online reviews, or any personal reviews you receive. It may be difficult to process critiques in a positive way, but there are a lot of things that you can gain from constructive criticism. One thing you should pay particular attention to are the comments regarding your home’s interior and its appearance, as well as its functionality. Your guests can have a lot to say about what could be improved through renovations and remodeling.

Remodeling is something that usually will need to be done eventually for residential homes, and the need for a bed and breakfast to be aesthetically appealing is even stronger. Your guests will want to see photos of your bed and breakfast’s interior online before they book a stay there. If your photos are misleading, they will likely complain; and if your photos show a less than ideal interior, they probably won’t book. With that being said, if you’re having issues when operating a bed and breakfast, you should consider whether or not a remodel is necessary.

It’s important to consider the bathrooms first, as they will be used by a number of different people and therefore will likely develop wear and tear more rapidly than, say, the kitchen which will not be operated by guests in all likelihood. People will want to be able to take a relaxing bath or shower, functionality aside.

Although many bed and breakfasts are not necessarily able to offer an en suite bathroom for all bedrooms, every bathroom should offer least a comfortable shower, if not a bathtub as well. You may want to consider a glass shower, as this will contain steam and provide a spa-like experience.

Should your bed and breakfast have a vintage feeling, a clawfoot tub may also be a possible option. Moving on from the bathrooms, you should move on to each bedroom, and make the most of the space available. Lots of bed and breakfasts have themed bedrooms.

Depending on the overall style of your business, this could be a good idea or it could be incredibly kitschy. But this is one place in which you can implement your own personal tastes. It’s one of those calls that’s a part of the fun of operating a bed and breakfast, which of course you shouldn’t lose sight of.

There are so many benefits that come from operating a bed and breakfast. In this day and age, it’s easier than ever to get the word out about your business, through your own website and by advertising on platforms like Airbnb and VRBO. What matters is creating a good impression, something that will appeal to people searching online. And that starts on the ground, at your business’s most basic level.

With that being said, operating a bed and breakfast can definitely be strenuous, and can require a good amount of mental and physical effort. If you don’t have a partner and are struggling, it’s something that you might want to consider. But if you’d rather run your business independently, it can be done. Just make a list of what types of improvements you need to make, and get started!

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